Table of Contents
Abstract. 2
1.1 Background of the Study:. 6
1.2 Statement of the Problem:. 7
1.3 Purpose of the Study:. 8
1.4 Research Questions:. 9
1.5 Research Hypotheses:. 10
1.6 Significance of the Study:. 10
1.7 Delimitations of the Study:. 12
1.8 Assumptions of the Study:. 12
1.9 Operational Definition of Terms:. 13
2.1 Theoretical Framework.. 15
2.2 Conceptual Framework.. 17
2.3 Related Empirical Studies:. 29
2.4 Summary of the Review of Related Literature:. 33
Chapter Three.. 35
Research Methodology.. 35
3.1 Introduction.. 35
3.2 Research Design.. 35
3.3 Population of the Study.. 36
3.4 Sample and Sampling Techniques. 36
3.5 Instrumentation.. 37
3.6 Data Collection Procedure.. 37
3.7 Method of Data Analysis. 38
3.8 Ethical Considerations. 38
3.9 Conclusion.. 39
4.1 Preamble.. 40
4.2 Socio-Demographic Characteristics of Respondents. 40
4.3 Analysis of the Respondents’ Views on Research Question one:. 44
4.4 Testing Hypotheses. 59
Discussion of Findings. 63
5.1 Summary.. 67
5.2 Conclusion.. 68
5.3 Recommendations. 69
References. 71
Questionnaire on "The Influence of Guidance and Counselling Services on Indiscipline Among Secondary School Students in Eket Local Government Area.". 74
1.1 Background of the Study:
1.1 Background of the Study:
Education is a vital tool for human development, acting as a means through which a society imparts knowledge to the younger generation, fostering an understanding of heritage, enabling active participation in the present, and contributing to future societal progress. However, in the contemporary educational landscape, numerous challenges have arisen, such as an increase in crimes, violence, truancy, and various forms of indiscipline among students. Additionally, external factors like the influence of information technology, changing societal values, and the pursuit of material wealth by parents have contributed to a decline in traditional norms and values.
In response to these challenges, guidance and counseling services have become essential in schools. Guidance is designed to assist students in achieving self-knowledge, self-development, and realizing their potentials, while counseling involves a trained professional helping the client understand themselves, their problems, and the world around them. The incorporation of these services into the school system aims to eliminate ignorance, address personality maladjustment, and mitigate various forms of indiscipline among students.
Discipline, in this context, is viewed as a behavioral disposition in conformity with institutional rules and regulations. Indiscipline, on the other hand, refers to a behavioral deviation from socially approved standards. Indiscipline in secondary schools manifests as deliberate violations of established rules, group unrest or violent demonstrations, cultism, defiance, disrespect to authorities, sexual immorality, truancy, stealing, cheating, and other forms of behavioral disorderliness.
1.2 Statement of the Problem:
Traditional methods of maintaining discipline in schools, often relying on punishment, have proven inadequate and, in some cases, counterproductive. Punishment induces fear, hostility, and resentment among students rather than correction. The prevalence of indiscipline, including involvement in cultism, substance abuse, disrespect to authorities, and various disruptive behaviors, raises concerns about the effectiveness of traditional disciplinary approaches.
In response to these challenges, guidance and counseling services have been introduced as an alternative means of addressing indiscipline. However, the extent to which these services influence and mitigate indiscipline among secondary school students in Eket Local Government Area of Akwa Ibom State is yet to be fully explored. This study aims to investigate the influence of guidance and counseling services on various aspects of indiscipline among secondary school students in the specified region.
1.3 Purpose of the Study:
The main purpose of the study is to examine the influence of guidance and counselling services on indiscipline among secondary school students in Eket Local Government Area. Specific objectives include:
- To determine the influence of information service on indiscipline
among secondary school students in Eket Local Government Area.
- To examine the influence of counselling service on
indiscipline among secondary school students in Eket Local Government.
- To determine the influence of orientation service on
indiscipline among secondary school students in Eket Local Government Area.
- To examine the influence of appraisal service on indiscipline
among secondary school students in Eket Local Government Area.
1.4 Research Questions:
To achieve the purpose of the study, the following research questions were raised to guide the study.
- What influence does information service have on indiscipline among secondary school students in Eket Local Government Area.
- What influence does counselling service have on indiscipline among secondary school students in Eket Local Government Area.
- What influence does orientation service have on indiscipline among secondary school students in Eket Local Government Area.
- What influence does appraisal service have on indiscipline among secondary school students in Eket Local Government Area.
1.5 Research Hypotheses:
In attempt to find answers to the research questions, the following hypotheses were raised in the study:
- There is no significant influence of information service on
indiscipline among secondary school students in Eket Local Government Area.
- There is no significant influence of counselling service on indiscipline among secondary school students in Eket Local Government Area
- There is no significant influence of orientation service on indiscipline among secondary school students in Eket Local Government Area
- There is no significant influence of appraisal service on indiscipline among secondary school students in Eket Local Government Area
1.6 Significance of the Study:
The study would be beneficial to students, teachers, and parents, ministry of education and members of the general public.
The result of the findings would enable the students to refrain from disruptive behaviors, which are capable of destroying their future. This would be achieved through the information that will be provided in the study.
Teachers would be sensitized on their roles in maintaining discipline in their schools through the use of new approaches rather than the traditional forms of discipline which can induce fears and uncertainty in students.
The result of the study would enable parents to understand their roles on how to maintain discipline at home and raise disciplined children who will contribute to the development and advancement of the society. This would be achieved through the information that will be provided in this study.
The Ministry of Education would be sensitized on the need to establish guidance and counselling centers in every secondary school in the area.
Finally, members of the public would gain knowledge and new ideas on how to maintain discipline in the society through the findings that would be revealed in this study.
1.7 Delimitations of the Study:
This study was delimited to information service, counselling service, orientation service, appraisal service and indiscipline among secondary school students in Eket Local Government Area. The samples for the study are delimited to only secondary II students. Both males and females students during 2016/2017 session were used as sample for the study.
1.8 Assumptions of the Study:
The study assumed:
- That, the questiEketire used in the study is reliable and valid.
- That, many students display disruptive behavior due to lack of information service of guidance and counselling in school.
- That, lack of counselling services in school makes students to exhibit all forms of anti-social behaviors.
- That, if orientation service is organized for the students, they would refrain from in disciplinary behaviors in the school.
- That, lack of appraisal service in school contributes to low self-esteem of students which could lead to indiscipline.
1.9 Operational Definition of Terms:
Guidance: Guidance refers to the process of helping the individual to understand himself and his world.
Counselling: Counselling is a process whereby a trained professional in a helping relationship assist the client to understand himself.
Indiscipline: Any action, utterances and societal behavior that run contrary to the norms, customs, laws and convention of the institution.
School: A school is an institution designed for the teaching of students under the direction of the teachers.