Title page         -           -           -           -           -           -           -           -           -i                     

Certification     -           -           -           -           -           -           -           -           -ii        

Dedication       -           -           -           -           -           -           -           -           -iii       

Acknowledgments       -           -           -           -           -           -           -           -iv       

Abstract           -           -           -           -           -           -           -           -           -

Table of contents         -           -           -           -           -           -           -           -                      


1.1 Background to the Study   -           -           -           -           -           -          

1.2 Statement of Problem        -           -           -           -           -           -           -          

1.3 Objective of the Study       -           -           -           -           -           -          

1.4 Research Questions           -           -           -           -           -           -           -          

1.4 Significant of Study           -           -           -           -           -           -           -                      

1.6   Scope of the Study            -           -           -           -           -           -           -          

1.7 Definition of Terms           -           -           -           -           -           -           -                      



 2.1.1   Concept of Gender-Based Violence in Nigeria          -           -           -           -           -

2.1.2    Concept of Broadcast Media -           -           -           -           -           -           -           -

2.1.3    Level of Media Exposure of Gender-Based Violence-          -           -           -           -

2.2.3    Perception and Attitude towards media pattern of framing of

Gender-Based Violence in Nigeria -   -           -           -           -           -           -           -

2.2       Theoretical Framework            -           -           -           -           -           -           -

2.4       Gap in Literature -       -           -           -           -           -           -          


3.1       Research Design -        -           -           -           -           -           -           -           -

3.2      Population of the Study-           -           -           -           -           -           -           -

3.3      Sample Size-     -           -           -           -           -           -           -           -           -

3.4        Sampling Technique-  -           -           -           -           -           -           -           -          

3.5      Instrument of Data Collection- -           -           -           -           -           -

3.5.1.    Reliability of Instrument -       -           --          -           -           -           -           -

3.6       Procedure for Data Collection --          -           -           -           -           -

3.7       Technique of Data Analysis    -           -           -           -           -           -           -

3.8       Limitation of the Study-           -           -           -           -           -           -           -


4.1       Data Presentation         -           -           -           -           -           -           -           -

4.2       Data Analysis  -           -           -           -           -           -           -                      

4.3       Discussion of Findings -           -           -           -           -           -          


5.1       Summary         -           -           -           -           -           -           -           -                      

5.2       Conclusion      -           -           -           -           -           -           -           -          

5.3       Recommendations       -           -           -           -           -           -           -          

REFERENCES           -           -           -           -           -           -           -           -          

APPENDIX (Questionnaire)  -           -           -           -           -           -          






This study examined the impact of media exposure on perception and attitude towards gender-based violence in Delta State. The study aimed to measure the frequency of broadcast media coverage of domestic violence-related issues in Delta State Nigeria, determine the patterns of framing the causes of domestic violence by the broadcast media organizations in Delta State and examine the level of broadcast media awareness creation on the effect of domestic violence related issues in Delta State. The study adopted the Decomposition Theory. The descriptive research method was adopted to achieve the quantitative research method. A total of 400 respondents were selected using the Taro Yamene sample determination. However, a convenience sample of 150 was adopted from the 400. The use of structured questionnaires was used to collect data from the field and the mean statistics was used to analysed the data. The study was organized in five academic chapters. The study concluded that there is significant frequency of broadcast media coverage of gender based violence-related issues in Delta State Nigeria, significant patterns of framing the causes of gender based violence by the broadcast media organizations in Delta State and there is significant Level of broadcast media awareness creation on the effect of violence related issues in Delta State.  The study recommended that the media need to critically evaluate the feedback from each programmes air to be able to understand the attitude of the people towards the programmes relating to gender based violence, the media need to critically evaluate the feedback from each programmes air to be able to understand the perception of the people towards the programmes relating to gender based violence and the media should ensure that the contents of each programmes relating to gender based violence create the needed awareness to stop or reduce the incidence of gender based violence.
















1.1       Background to the Study

Gender-based violence respects no boundaries, and cuts across racial, ethnic, class, age, economic, religious and cultural divisions. It occurs everywhere in society. The United Nations Declaration on the Elimination of Violence Against Women (UNDEVW) describes "violence as a manifestation of historically unequal power relations between men and women, which have led to domination over and discrimination against women by men and to the prevention of women's full advancement," as well as "one of the crucial social mechanisms by which women are forced into a subordinate position compared with men." The World Bank noted in their report as cited in Chukwu, Nwuso and Nnamdi (2014), state that the concept sGender-based violence (GBV) is one of the most repressive types of gender inequality, preventing women and men from participating equally in social, economic, and political realms. Gender-based violence impedes gender equality and the fulfilment of a variety of developmental goals.


This is why Chukwu et al (2014) opine that gender equality is achieved when women and men, girls and boys, have equal rights, life prospects, and the power to shape their own lives and contribute to society”. In 2006, Nigeria developed a Framework and Plan of Action for the National Gender Policy to combat gender-based violence in the country. "As a result, the federal and state governments passed several legislative and policy measures, including the Violence Against Persons Prohibition Act of 2015, which outlaws female genital mutilation, harmful widowhood practices, harmful traditional practices, and all forms of violence against people in both private and public life.

There is a paucity of accurate estimates of the scale of physical and sexual violence against women in Nigeria, owing mostly to the fact that violence against women goes unreported. The media has a number of programs in place worldwide to combat violence against women (Baumgartner & Morris, 2010; Flood, 2003; World Health Organization, 2013). In the present study, a campaign is construed as any targeted media message aimed at influencing behavior or achieving clearly defined goals over a period of time or in an indefinite continuum.  Media encompasses both public channels such as traditional or mainstream mass media (radio, television, newspapers, periodicals) and intent-based media like as social media. The main distinction between this definition and the broad or technical concept of a media campaign is that the latter is managed by a specific entity with the same persuasive interest over a certain length of time with performance goals. According to Enobakhare, Orem, and Ogar (2013), media awareness campaigns are "various, complex, carefully planned, and strategically built media symphonies aimed to increase awareness, inform, or modify behavior among target audiences.” Unfortunately, such campaigns against female violence have becoming increasingly rare in Nigeria.

At best, general communication interventions, media programs or events, and messages aimed at eliminating all forms of violence and prejudice against women are achieved. Because of the widespread availability of national and local media services, Nigerian women are increasingly exposed to communication campaigns and interventions addressing violence against women, (Chukwu et al 2014).

1.2       Statement of the Problem

The media inform, educate and entertain. Beyond these functions, they also persuade and mobilise. It can create awareness and knowledge about issues. The knowledge of this will help in the attitudinal change of the audience. It is evident, that a key issue in the eradication of domestic violence is a high level of awareness and accurate information. Hence, tackling domestic violence requires effective communication strategies. Given the role of the media in raising public awareness and determining issues for public debates and discussions, hence, the way the media portray domestic violence have a profound impact on society's perception and attitude towards it.  It becomes a problem when the broadcast media do not adequately and negatively project stories of domestic violence against women. It could be deduced that frequent viewing of violent crime-mediated content is likely to make the viewers display a pattern of beliefs and perceptions consistent with media portrayal. It is based on this that the study sought to ascertain the percede towards gender-based violence in Delta State.

1.3       Objectives of the Study

            The main objective of this study include: 

  1. To measure the frequency of media coverage of gender-based violence-related issues on women in Delta State Nigeria.
  2. To determine the patterns of framing the causes of gender-based violence by the media organisations in Delta State.
  3. To examine the level of media awareness creation on the effect of gender-based violence issues in Delta State.

1.4       Research Questions 

  1. What is the frequency of broadcast media coverage of gender-based violence issues in Delta State Nigeria?
  2. What are the patterns of framing the causes of gender-based violence by the broadcast media organizations in Delta State?
  3. What is the level of broadcast media awareness creation on the effect of gender-based violence issues in Delta State?


1.5       Significance of the Study

            This study aims to benefit married couples, media practitioners and general public. Understanding how audiences perceive media portrayals of domestic violence allows creators to craft more impactful messages that promote healthy relationships and denounce abuse. Research can inform policy decisions on public awareness campaigns, funding for support services, and legal interventions to address domestic violence. The findings can guide advocacy efforts to tailor their messages and target specific media outlets to maximise their reach and impact on public attitudes. Ultimately, everyone benefits from a society with a zero-tolerance stance on domestic violence. Educated communities are better equipped to identify abuse, support victims, and hold perpetrators accountable.

1.6       Scope of the Study

            The scope of the study will come in three dimensions. The contextual covers the study of the impact of media exposure on perception and attitude towards domestic violence. The geographical covers Delta State and periodic covers five years which starts from 2019 to 2023.

1.7       Definition of Terms

Media Exposure: Media exposure refers to the amount and type of content we encounter through various media channels.

Perception: Perception is how we take in information from the world around us and make sense of it. It's not just about raw sensory input, but rather the interpretation of that information through our brains.

Attitude: This is the cognitive component, encompassing what you think about something or someone. It includes your knowledge, opinions, and even stereotypes.

Domestic Violence: Domestic violence is a serious issue that can affect anyone regardless of age, race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, or socioeconomic background.