Title page - - - - - - - - -i
Certification - - - - - - - - -ii
Dedication - - - - - - - - -iii
Acknowledgments - - - - - - - -iv
Abstract - - - - - - - - -
Table of contents - - - - - - - -
1.1 Background to the Study - - - - - -
1.2 Statement of Problem - - - - - - -
1.3 Objective of the Study - - - - - -
1.4 Research Questions - - - - - - -
1.4 Significant of Study - - - - - - -
1.6 Scope of the Study - - - - - - -
1.7 Definition of Terms - - - - - - -
2.1 Conceptual Review
2.1.1 Concept of Television
2.1.2 Political Participation during General Election
2.1.3 Influence of television on political participation during general election.
2.1.4 Challenges of the Influence of television on political participation during general election.
2.1.5 Empirical Reviews
2.2 Theoretical Framework
2.2.1 Yale Persuasive Theory
3.1 Research Design - - - - - - - - -
3.2 Population of the Study- - - - - - - -
3.3 Sample Size- - - - - - - - - -
3.4 Sampling Technique- - - - - - - - -
3.5 Instrument of Data Collection- - - - - - -
3.5.1. Reliability of Instrument - - -- - - - - -
3.6 Procedure for Data Collection -- - - - - -
3.7 Technique of Data Analysis - - - - - - -
3.8 Limitation of the Study- - - - - - - -
4.1 Data Presentation - - - - - - - -
4.2 Data Analysis - - - - - - -
4.3 Discussion of Findings - - - - - -
5.1 Summary - - - - - - - -
5.2 Conclusion - - - - - - - -
5.3 Recommendations - - - - - - -
REFERENCES - - - - - - - -
APPENDIX (Questionnaire) - - - - - -
This study focused on the influence of television political broadcast on the electorate participation during the 2023 governorship election in Delta State a study of Abraka resident. The study was aimed to measure the rate of political participation, influence of television on political participation and the challenges on the influence of television on political participation during 2023 general elections in Nigeria. Existing literature was conducted on the overview of television in Nigeria, political participation, the influence of television on political participation and the challenges of the influence of television on political participation during general election. The study adopted the Yale persuasive theory. The study adopted the quantitative research design and Taro Yamene sampling calculator was used to adopt 400 sample size where the multi stage sampling technique was used to select the target respondents. Out of the 400, 390 questionnaire were duly filled and returned for mean analysis. The study concluded that there was significant rate of political participation during 2023 general election in Nigeria. During the election, there was large turnout of voters, there was significant influence of television on political participation and there was significant challenges on the influence of television on political participation during 2023 general elections in Nigeria. Based on these, the study recommended that there is need to ensure that political broadcasts are informative, unbiased and engaging to better educate voters about candidates and electoral processes. There is need for collaboration with educational institutions and civil society to run voter education campaign on television, focusing on the importance of voting and television stations should leverage on social media and other digital media to access additional political information to inspire the electorate
1.1 Background to the Study
In the dynamic landscape of Nigerian politics, the role of mass media, particularly television, has evolved to become a significant influence of public opinion and political engagement. The 2023 election in Nigeria held with great importance, and understanding the impact of television political broadcasts on electorate participation is crucial for comprehending the dynamics of the democratic process. This introduction explores the multifaceted relationship between television broadcasts and electorate engagement, aiming to shed light on the potential influence of this medium on the electoral landscape Mass media campaigns are widely used to expose high proportions of large populations to messages through routine uses of existing media, such as television, radio and newspapers. Exposure to such messages is, therefore, generally passive. Such campaigns are frequently competing with factors, such as pervasive product marketing, powerful social norms and behaviours driven by addiction or habit (Locken, 2014).
The relationship between television and political communication cannot be overemphasized. Television has projected political communication more than any other mass media. One of the methods of doing in this in recent times is through the use of electronic means. Therefore, television broadcasting is a functional medium for disseminating media political information from the station to the public, (Sambe, 2008). Television broadcasting is sometimes referred to as electronic dissemination of factual message to heterogonous members of the public in order to satisfy theory curiosity. Television broadcasting is the act of providing information to a diverse audience with different demographic characteristics. From a scholaristic view, Agbamuche (2015) asserted that television broadcasting is a method of disseminating information through electromagnetic waves or signals or any device for public updating. In support to the assertion made above, Agba and Brown (2012), stated that television broadcasting refers to the whole process of communication and technology that allows simultaneous transmission of audiovisual signals to a large number of population. According to Bababola (2012), broadcasting is the process of disseminating information to a large group of people by sound and/or image, at home, at listening or viewing centers, or at school, using a variety of means or electronic tools. Agba and Brown (2012) demonstrated that the term broadcasting, if used properly, would not include closed circuits, computers, video and cable television or other forms of radio and television transmission.
Ijeh (2014) emphasized that television political broadcasting is not just a television programme but one targeted to benefit the specific audience using attractive elements and design to help the public assimilate political information needs, accessibility, utilization is being dictated by circumstances. The environment that people live gives interactive opportunities from time to time. According to Familusi and Owoeye (2014) political information itself is not mobile but needs a vehicle of dissemination from one man to another and from one distance to another. The context of this research is that information is that aspect of political information on television is a critical development resource when utilized is capable of increasing the knowledge state of individual students in academics.
Agbamuchue (2015) pointed out that television have had a very good influence on people. The operation of radio and television cover most regions of our country and reaches a worldwide audience. In addition, it provides information on population, cultural preservation, health education, business and education. This almost accelerates the pace of development and education. It has great power to appeal to both literate and illiterate members of the society both in rural areas or urban cities; as well as equal power to communicate effectively. Dimitova, & Matthes, (2018), stated that It can be said without hesitation that television has a greater influence on society as it is a powerful medium used in education for teaching and learning. television broadcasting includes the collection, processing and dissemination of news, ideas and information on economic, business, political, environmental, entertainment, energy, health, real estate, construction and agricultural.
Mass media usage for political discussion contributes to political interest in Nigerians and the citizens use television broadcasting during 2023 elections and these offered politicians the opportunities to tap into on-line and electronic campaigning. According to Kasirye, (2021), during the general elections, many politicians, particularly the presidential aspirants, used mass media to connect with voters and their constituents, thereby increasing public participation in politics.
1.2 Statement of the Problem
Political awareness, education, voter registration are the components of the role of broadcast media for political participation in any country. Achieving this, television broadcast of political activities of various political parties are engaged by political parties and their members to woo more electorate in their campaign for voter as well as winning the election. In the build up to the 2023 general election, Nigeria recorded for the first time high level of political participation. This was evident in the turnout of citizens willing to register their interest to participate in the 2023 general election. While television remains a dominant source of information for many Nigerians, its effectiveness in facilitating meaningful political participation during the 2023 elections was hampered by several significant challenges. Understanding these limitations is crucial for improving the role of television in future democratic processes. Babalola (2012), explained that the pivotal objectives of political campaign broadcast are to encourage a greater understanding of the subject matter because its presentation is done in clear, straight forward and simple language. Also, it promote individualized understanding of political desires. It provides large volumes of campaign messages and informative messages to the audience.. Babalola (2012) emphasized that it is no exaggeration to mention that political participation comes with television broadcasting if well utilized in the teaching and learning process in Nigerian political environment, will go a long way in solving some of the problem cropping up in democratic system.
Many television stations have close ties to particular political parties or interests, leading to biased reporting and framing of issues. This can limit voters' exposure to diverse perspectives and hinder informed decision-making. The spread of fake news and disinformation on social media often finds its way onto television, further confusing voters and eroding trust in the electoral process. A significant portion of the Nigerian population still lacks access to reliable internet or television, limiting their exposure to political information and participation in online discussions. Television often encourages passive consumption of information, rather than active engagement and critical thinking. This can hinder voters' ability to analyze different viewpoints and make informed choices. Political discourse on television often revolves around personalities and campaigns, neglecting in-depth policy discussions and critical analysis of candidates' platforms. Debate formats on television can be restrictive, hindering genuine exchange of ideas and meaningful voter engagement. Based on these challenges that this study seek to investigate the influence of television broadcast on political participation during 2023 general election.
1.3 Objectives of the Study
The main aim of this study is to examine the influence television broadcast on the electorate participation during 2023 general election in Nigeria, to achieve this, the following specific objectives are structured. to guide the study
- To measure the rate of political participation during 2023 general election in Nigeria.
- To determine the influence of television on political participation during 2023 general election in Nigeria
- To discovered the challenges on the influence of television on political participation during 2023 general elections in Nigeria.
1.4 Research Questions
Based on the specific objectives of the study, the study is guided by the following research questions.
- What is the rate of political participation during 2023 general election in Nigeria?
- What is the influence of television on political participation during 2023 general election in Nigeria?
- What are the challenges on the influence of television on political participation during 2023 general elections in Nigeria?
1.5 Significance of the Study
From the objectives of the study, the study will significantly contribute political knowledge to Nigeria citizen, democratic process, INEC and academicians and other independent researchers in the academic and political field. First and foremost, voters in Nigeria will gain insight how voting is regarded as democratic principles and the conduct of election requires commitment by the citizen to register for voters; card. Furthermore, INEC will gain knowledge from this study because from the recommendations of the study, the commission will understand that electoral education encourages voter’s registration progress and that also guarantees democratic development. Finally, the study will contribute to academic knowledge because the research project shall be research materials for students in Delta State University and other institutions so as to carryout similar research where the scope of this research is limited.
1.6 Scope of the Study
Conceptual setting of this study is based on the influence of television on political participation during 2023 general election in Nigeria while the empirical setting is based on the Abraka, Delta State. The periodic setting of the study covers the 2023 general election
1.7 Definition of Terms
Democracy: This is the government of the majority. This type of government is people’s representation through the free and fair election.
Election: This is an electoral process where eligible voters are given opportunity to vote for the candidate of their choice through secret or open ballot.
Voters Registration: This is electoral exercise that involves the registration of people to participate in election as voters. An electoral body like INEC is responsible to enlist eligible candidate and after registration, PVC will be issued to the person.