1.1   Background to the Study:

Every organization operates with the goal of achieving specific objectives and goals, which could be in terms of value or satisfaction. To function effectively, organizations must identify and pursue these objectives. Human resources, comprising specialized personnel, unskilled labor, and personnel management, play a crucial role in harnessing other organizational resources, such as finances, physical materials, and technology, to achieve organizational goals. The effective utilization of human resources is essential for organizational success, as they contribute to the exploration and exploitation of the environment in which the organization operates.

Among the various resources, human resources are directly responsible for coordinating and harnessing the capabilities of other resources. The significance of human resources lies in their ability to contribute to the success of the organization. Brech (1983) emphasizes the importance of willing cooperation and coordinated activity among individuals in the organization for the achievement of tasks and effective operations.

Motivation and employee satisfaction are key drivers for the achievement of organizational goals. Motivated and satisfied employees contribute to the success of the organization by directing their behavior, exerting effort, and persisting in their tasks. Motivation and employee satisfaction encompass variables such as drive, need, incentive, reward, and expectancy. Organizations often face the challenge of aligning official objectives, personal objectives, and employee objectives. However, recognizing the importance of employee satisfaction is crucial, as satisfied employees contribute to organizational success.

Organizations must address the problem of achieving congruency between official objectives, personal objectives, and employee objectives. When employees are satisfied, they are more likely to accept responsibilities and contribute positively to the organization. However, dissatisfaction can lead to decreased performance, imitation, jealousy, and a chain reaction of counter-productive behaviors. The survival of the organization depends on maintaining willing cooperation among its members.

Effective cooperation is promoted by keeping employees informed about organizational activities, consulting them on regulations and development, fostering a sense of self-responsibility, and providing opportunities for self-development. Managers must create a work environment where employees willingly contribute to the organization's objectives, experiencing a sense of belonging and deriving personal satisfaction from their work.

Motivation and employee satisfaction serve as incentives for employees to work harder, conscientiously, and more effectively toward organizational objectives. Aligning organizational and employee interests through motivation and satisfaction leads to high productivity and the achievement of organizational goals.

Statement of the Problem:

Observations in both government parastatals and private establishments reveal various behaviors among workers that may negatively impact organizational progress and job performance. Some employees engage in group discussions outside offices, while others may conduct trade activities either within or outside the workplace. These activities, seen as detrimental to organizational progress, are often attributed to poor management policies, inadequate motivation, and low levels of employee satisfaction.

The focus of any organization, including Champion Breweries Plc. Uyo, is to satisfy its workers to achieve organizational goals and objectives. However, there is a concern that poor management policies, implementation strategies, and inadequate motivation may lead to low employee satisfaction and, consequently, hinder high job performance. Some workers may engage in behaviors that are counterproductive to organizational progress, which may be linked to a lack of motivation and employee satisfaction.

Despite numerous studies on motivation and employee satisfaction, there is a perceived gap in understanding the psychological and sociological factors influencing worker needs and job performance. Organizations, including Champion Breweries Plc, may be neglecting intrinsic aspects of work, such as achievement, recognition, responsibility, and personal growth, which can be significant causes of worker dissatisfaction and low productivity.

Furthermore, the changing pattern of demands from employees, including safety measures, promotional opportunities, wages and salaries, staff training, job security, and participation in decision-making, requires organizations to adapt their strategies to meet these evolving needs. This study is designed to investigate how staff participation in decision-making relates to or affects their performance in Champion Breweries Plc, Uyo.


        To guide the researcher in the study, it is necessary to ask the following questions:

  1. To what extent does salary influence employee’s satisfaction?
  2. Does promotion relate with employees satisfaction?
  3. To what extent does overtime payment influence employee’s satisfaction?


        The main objective of this study is to systematically investigate motivational incentives and employees satisfaction in Champion Breweries in Uyo. Specific objectives of the study include:

(i). To investigate the relationship between salary and employees satisfaction in Champion Breweries Uyo.

(ii). To examine promotion and employees promotion and employees satisfaction in Champion Breweries Uyo

(iii). To investigate overtime payment and employees satisfaction in Champion Breweries Uyo.


The following hypotheses were constructed for the study in order to guide the researcher in the course of the investigation. The hypotheses are stated in the null forms.

  1. There is no significant relationship between salary and employees satisfaction in Champion Breweries Uyo, Akwa Ibom State.
  2. There is no significant relationship between promotion and employees satisfaction in Champion Breweries Uyo, Akwa Ibom State.

iii.There is no significant relationship between overtime payment and employee satisfaction in Champion Breweries Uyo, Akwa Ibom State.


The problem of incessant strikes and other problem in the organizations has been a concern of many. Hence the study is significant to the government, public and private organizations. The result of this study could serve  as a guiding framework in designing and executing such scheme that can act as motivation and satisfying factors too their worker  for efficient and higher level of productivity in both public and private sectors.

The result of this study will also challenge the present day attitude of staff and management of the Federal, State and Local Governments  to the need of improving  performance. It will also question the managers  at the various level of governments for not  providing adequate motivation and satisfying factors ensure improved performance.

The study will help as sources if references as it will elaborate on the theoretical and empirical framework of motivation and employee satisfaction.


The study investigates motivation and employee satisfaction in Champion Breweries Uyo. The research is limited to employees of Champion Breweries Uyo, Akwa Ibom State. This saves both time and cost of the researcher. The study will cover both senior and junior staff of the company. The focus is on motivational incentives such as salary, promotion, overtime payment in Champion Breweries Uyo. It also looks at the relevance of Maslow’s need theory in explanation variation in inventive among levels of workers in the organization. Both primary and secondary sources of data, questionnaire administration, oral interview and published works were utilized.


In order to understand some terms used in this research, the researcher feels it is necessary to define the following terms and phrases.

  1. i.            Motivation

This refers to those psychological force within a person that determine the direction  of person’s behaviour In an organization, a person’s level of effort and a person’s level of persistence in the face of obstacles (George and Jones, 1996). Hence motivation is what impels, what moves, what spurs, what energizes, what reinforces, and what stimulates positive performance. It gives direction to behaviour and underlines the tendency to persist. It is what every worker looks forward to and expects his organization to implement.


It  is an act or promise for greater action. It is also called stimulus to greater action. They are those things given to worker in addition to wages or salary. It also means additional remuneration or benefits to an employee  in recognition of achievement or better work.

iii. Motivational Incentives

Motivational incentives are those additional remuneration or benefits to  or benefits to an employee in recognition of achievement or better work which  gives the employee reason for more action or drives to employee to do more or  discharge his or her work effectively.


        It is a fixed regular payment typically paid on a monthly basis but often expressed as an annual  sum, made by an employer to an to an employee, especially a professional or white-collar worker. It is a  for form of payment from an employer to an employee, which  may be specified in an employment contract


v. Promotion

        Promotion is the usual means for filling vacancies in higher rank in a grade by selecting offices from a lower rank in the  same grade. Officers  are selected for promotion on the criteria of character, ability experience and any qualifications prescribed for  the higher rank.

vi. Overtime Payment

         Overtime payment is the amount of money paid to each employee in any organization for working beyond the office times. It is the amount of overtime paid to each employee in a pay period.

vii. Employee

        Employee is an individual works part-time or full-time under a contract of employment,  whether oral or written, express or implied and has recognized rigid and duties.

viii. Employee

        Employer is a person organization that employs people or employee.

ix. Management

This is  the administration of an organization whether it is a business, a non-profit organization government bodies