1.1. Background to the Study

The sports betting industry have been exponentially on the increase internationally for a couple of years. Profoundly well-established in the developed world, it is part and parcel of the weekend package sold for game days in Europe, and the Americas. Unlawful betting could be upwards of $500 Million alone according to estimates. Worldwide gambling revenue was projected at $430 billion in 2012 and is an increasingly significant part of the international economy, (Global Betting & Gaming Consultants, 2013). Betting is as well increasingly used as a source of income by countries with retracting economies, (Cassidy, Pisac, & Loussouarn, 2013). The advertising sectors intentionally tones down the influence and possible unfavorable influence of the product they are advertising. They have a tendency to describe an innocent aspect of everyday life in their commercial and hope that this innocent aspect of life would not only attract the attention of potential customers but would as well influence them, (Adler et al., 2014).

In contemporary world of today, sport betting is one of the fastest growing industries in Nigeria and the world at large, (Binde, 2014). With the escalating ease of access and ease of use of sports betting on Internet and wireless technology, in addition to more traditional forums, international income from legally recognized gambling is estimated to have surpassed US$100 billion by 2015, (Price Waterhouse Coopers, 2018). Sport betting advertising costs as well appears to be growing, verified by reports from Canada, Europe, and the UK, (Advertising Association, 2007; Binde, 2008).

Generally, it has been widely recognized that the media have a significant and great effect on individual’s behaviour and attitudes, and that the aim of any commercial advertisement is to capture the attention of consumers, put across positive attitudes towards the product, and encourage the acceptance of the messages espoused. Youth in particular appear to be susceptible to the effects of advertising. According to a study by Collins, Ellickson, McCaffrey, and Hambarsoomians, (2014), it was revealed that, youths between the ages of 18 and 30years are exposed to high levels of advertising for alcohol from several sources were subsequently 50percent more possible to drink and 36percent more possible to have plans to drink in the upcoming year than those at lower levels of advertising exposure, demonstrating the enduring effects of advertising on youth.

Sports betting advertisements enhance the availability of sports betting by bringing up-to-date information to individuals as regards opportunities to bet and endeavor to influence and change individuals attitudes through their communicative processes, (Wicker & Soebbing, 2013). The high level of exposure to sports betting advertisements in society has led to its normalization and perception as an acceptable, harmless, and credible activity, (Gainsbury, & Russell, 2015). Griffiths and Wood (2013) opined that, advertising introduces youths, kids and adolescence to the principles of betting which takes place in a social setting where sport betting is usually perceived as an exciting and risk-free form of entertainment. Corresponding to the above, Derevensky et al., (2013) claimed that, youths view the main messages of sports betting advertisements as one that leads to winning (easy money) and that sports betting is exciting and pleasurable and part of an unstressed and entertaining way of life, requiring none of the real life efforts of school or actual job.

Furthermore, Derevensky et al., (2013), Felsher, Derevensky, and Gupta, (2015) were of the opinion that, youths are regularly exposed to sports betting commercials, most particularly on television (reportedly viewed by 96percent of youth), strongly followed by the Internet (93percent), with commercials on billboards and in newspapers and magazines as well commonly perceived. Related to what was revealed in the studies of alcohol advertising, sport betting advertisements appears to have an important influence on youth; a study showed that 42percent of youth report that sport betting advertisements make them want to try betting and 61percent imagine or dream about what they could buy with their winnings, (Derevensky et al., 2013). Another study by Felsher et al., (2015) revealed that, 39percent of youths would be more likely to buy a lottery ticket after seeing a commercial.

The placement and timing of sports betting commercials, which a lot of people encourage the perception that sport betting is safe fun with no adverse effects, and lead in increased rate of participation, need to be controlled and regulated in order to minimize youth exposure to the activities of sports betting. Study on alcohol commercials validates the significance of advertisement timing and placement. For instance, Pettigrew, Roberts, Pescud, Chapman, Quester, and Miller, (2012) affirmed that, youth recalled a lot of television advertisements for alcohol advertised during sporting events and on late-night television programs among youth. In response to concerns as regards the negative effects of alcohol and tobacoo advertising, regulations have been executed, with a number of observed success, that stop these products from being highly advertised in places viewed by youth. Following a decrease in alcoholic beverage advertising in the US, the rate of alcohol problems, as well as binge drinking and alcohol involvement in fatal crashes, decreased amongst young individuals, (Hacker & Stuart, 2016). Internationally, similar consequences have been showed with a study of data from 20 countries over a 26year period, (Shaffer & Dave, 2012), showing that advertising bans resulted in decreased alcohol consumption among youth.

In Nigeria, sports betting have taken over the country like storm in that a good number of people bet on a day to day basis. Recently, sports betting have gained huge recognition and turn out to be the most promising of betting business, most particularly when it comes to betting on international football with the prestigious English premier league, La Liga and Seriea A gaining the most attention. In Nigeria, the sports betting have grown since 2010 when a lot of online sports betting company came on board such as Bet9ja, 9jabet, Betway, Betking, Merry bet, Naira bet, among others. There is as well lottery such as Baba Ijebu lotto, etc., which is quite popular and is advertised widely in mass media. Nigerians have enjoyed both the online and mobile sports betting while most of the operators offer services in the country through betting shops by their agents or by adopting the new trend that uses mobile and online platforms.

Sammut (2010) indicates that, the youth especially university students have resulted into betting and at times they do it at the expense of education. In a number of cases, university students have committed suicide after losing on bets, while some have failed to do exams and eventually failed to carry on with university education mainly because they have used the money meant for school fee to place a bet and lost, (Petry, & Weinstock, 2013). Although little or no study had been conducted on sport betting advertisements on undergraduates in Nigeria, in addition, betting had not really been a problem in Nigerian universities in the 80’s and 90’s, it has however turned out to be a serious problem in the recent years which calls for research and understanding.

Currently in Nigeria, there exists no law that regulates the activity or any government policy against sport betting. However, the truth still remains that the lives of our youth and their future is at stake. The large part of today’s population that play bets are youths, and it is quite obvious that with the growing rate at which sport betting are on the increase, unabated the future of a lot of youths is at stake. Therefore, this study becomes imperative for it seek to unveil the influence of online sports betting advertising on Babcock University Undergraduates, Ilisan Remo, Ogun State. 

1.2. Research Problems

With the rise and recognition of sports betting in society, sports betting commercials have turned out to be increasingly prominent. The evidence of high rates of betting and connected problems among youth shows that, the issues of youth betting must be tackled in order to minimize harm. At the moment, there is little or no study on the influence of sports betting among undergraduates in Nigeria. Therefore, there exists a gap this study will fill.

The fact that, sport betting gives fast and easy cash does not absolve the reality that youth who partake in the game are gamblers and a gambler simply makes a living out of hope. They are mostly poor and pathetic individuals. According to the study of Sammut (2010), it was established that sports betting leads to frustration and at times leads to violence when the gamblers do not win. This youth always tend to believe that one day; they will win and become a millionaire. This is just a fantasy that eventually leads in depression, psychological distress, insanity and suicide. Losing a bet leads to depression, frustration and anger. The game is fast rubbing off the characteristics of a true Nigerian youth who is full of vigour, diligence inner strength to excel and converting them into laziness, (ETimes Nigeria, 2017). Sport betting destroys a person’s ambitions, creativity and innovation. A lot of great individuals who have achieved in life such as the Bill Gates of Microsoft, Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook, Dangote, etc., were not active gamblers. As a result, a lot of youths have been deceived to think that there is life in betting. Therefore, the problem confronting the study is to assess the influence of online sport betting on Babcock University Undergraduates, Ilisan Remo, Ogun State.

1.3. Objectives of the Study

The main objective of this study is to access the influence of online sports betting advertisement on Babcock University Undergraduates, Ilisan Remo, Ogun State. However, the following specific objectives will be to;

  1. Find out the level of exposure to online sport betting advertisements among Babcock University Undergraduates.
  2. Ascertain the attention accorded to online sport betting advertisements among Babcock University graduates.
  3. Find out the perception Babcock University Undergraduates have about sport gambling.
  4. Establish the interest Babcock University Undergraduates have in sport gambling
  5. Investigate the level of involvement in sports gambling among Babcock University Undergraduates.

1.4. Research Questions

  1. What is the level of exposure to online sports betting advertisements among Babcock University Undergraduates?
  2. What is the attention accorded to online sports betting advertisements among Babcock University Undergraduates?
  3. What is the perception of Babcock University Undergraduates about the sport gambling?
  4. What interest does Babcock University Undergraduates have in sport gambling?
  5. What is the level of involvement in sport gambling among Babcock University Undergraduates?

1.5. Significance of the Study

There are dearth literatures on the influence of online sports betting advertising on youths. Therefore, the findings of this study will add to the extant literatures on sport betting and advertising on the media and its influence on undergraduates (youths in particular).

To the sports betting industry, the study will help to identify ways and avenues that sports’ betting is impacting the general public. Further, it will help highlights the role companies play in protecting the vulnerable members of the public from the negative effects of betting.

To the Academia, the study will help to incite debate and introspection among the industry stakeholders in order to find a better way to position sports betting and in the wider context gambling so that it is not deemed harmful or resented.

To the government, the findings will provide relevant information on youth who are involved in sport betting activities so that the authorities and other relevant stakeholders can draw a plan for stopping sport betting behavior, and to put in place adequate job creation for youth and as well come up with effective strategies to address the problem

To school administrators, the findings of the study will help the school management to know the effects and dangers of sport betting so that they can plan on how to curtail it both within and outside the school premises.

To the students, it will be significant in the sense that it will serve as a guideline for students who wish to further their study on impact of sports betting adverts on betting behaviour of gamblers.

Finally, it will be beneficial to students of Babcock University, Ilisan Remo, Ogun State.

1.7. Scope of the Study

The study is limited to the influence of online sports betting advertisement on Babcock University Undergraduates, Ilisan Remo, Ogun State. The study is confined to only undergraduates in Babcock University. The university undergraduates are being considered because they are mainly involved in playing online bets and as a result, they are in good position to provide first hand information on the subject matter. This study will be carried out using a primary source of data, while data will be gathered using a self-structured questionnaire for the purpose of eliciting information from the respondents.



1.8. Operational Definition of Terms

Sports Betting: is defined as placing a financial wager on the outcome of a sporting match, as well as on events that occur within the larger match or fixture

Advertising: is a component of integrated marketing communications.

Undergraduate: Undergraduates are student who are yet to receive their Bachelor’s Degree

Gambling: can be described as betting money or some form of property on the outcome of a game or event that is ultimately based on chance.

1.9. Chapterisation of the Study

This research work is divided into five main chapters with each chapter consisting of the following:

Chapter one will be the main introduction of the project and this will spell out the main aim and objectives of the research together with research background, research questions, research hypotheses, significance of the study, scope of the study, and definition of operational terms

Chapter two of this research work will have a review of the theories and literatures that are relevant to the research areas which have been carried out by various researchers in the topic area.

Chapter three of this research will examine the research method, research design, sample and sampling technique, population, reliability and validity, research instrument and method of data analysis.

Chapter four will be where the findings and analysis of the research will be carried. This will be done by making use of the primary data gathered using a self-structured questionnaire

Chapter five of the study will consist of the summary, conclusion and recommendation.