Background of the Study:
Throughout history, efforts have been made to enhance the effectiveness of teaching and learning. Economic and social forces have continually shaped educational practices. In the latter half of the 20th century, significant attempts to reform the educational system have been undertaken globally. In today's economic climate, technical education and information technology play crucial roles in the most important jobs. Reforms in education are ongoing processes, driven by the societal and technological climate. These changes aim to elevate standards in schools, improve learning patterns, and enhance educational outcomes with the overarching goal of bettering education quality for all.
The advancement of science and technology is closely tied to the literacy level of a society. Schools are integrating technology in various forms to improve instruction and provide valuable learning experiences to students. Programmed instruction seeks to offer individualized instruction tailored to the specific needs of learners. Educational systems worldwide face growing pressure to incorporate Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) to teach students the knowledge and skills required in the 21st century. While technology can improve education and foster technological literacy, it is essential to recognize that technology alone is not a panacea for all educational challenges.
The contemporary trend in global research is the use of computers to enhance student learning. The development of computers has had a profound impact on various aspects of life. Computer Assisted Instructional Media (CAIM) has emerged as an efficient and effective medium in the teaching and learning process, based on the principles of programmed instruction. Computer knowledge encompasses understanding fundamental aspects and basic skills involved in computer operations, as well as applications of computers in teaching and learning processes.
Statement of the Problem:
The learning of Computer Science faces challenges, particularly with the recent introduction of various computer-related packages associated with information and communication technology. These technological innovations highlight the need for teachers to align themselves with new instructional methods to help students achieve their objectives. The introduction of new computer-related packages raises questions about the most effective instructional techniques, with uncertainty about whether Computer Assisted Instructional Media (CAIM) or conventional teaching methods are more conducive to better academic achievement in Computer Science.
The challenges include adapting to new methods of instruction that align with technological advancements, ensuring that teachers are equipped to teach computer-related subjects effectively. The study aims to address the uncertainties and challenges surrounding instructional techniques in Computer Science, specifically focusing on the effectiveness of Computer Assisted Instructional Media (CAIM) in Eket Local Government Area secondary schools. Eket is chosen due to its classification as the most educationally backward state in the southeastern Zone of Nigeria and its higher rate of unemployment. The study seeks to determine the relevance and impact of CAIM on the development of skills among secondary school students in Eket Local Government Area.
Purpose of the Study
The main purpose of this study was to determine the Effect of Computer Assisted Instructional Media on the Secondary School Students Academic Performance in Computer Science. Specifically; the study intends to:
- determine the differences in performances of students exposed to Computer Assisted Instructional Media and those exposed to conventional instruction in public secondary schools in Eket.
- determine the effect of Computer Assisted Instructional Media (CAIM) as a supplementing teaching technique and students’ academic performance in Computer Science in public secondary schools in Eket.
- determine the influence of gender and their academic performance when exposed to computer assisted instructional media in public secondary schools in Eket.
Research Questions
The following research questions guided the study:
- What is the difference in performances of students exposed to Computer Assisted Instructional Media and those exposed to conventional instruction in public secondary schools in Eket Local Government Area?
- What is the relative effect of computer assisted instructional media as a supplementing teaching technique and student academic performance in computer Science in public secondary schools in Eket Local Government Area?
- What is the influence of gender and their performance when exposed to computer assisted instructional media in public secondary schools in Eket Local Government Area?
Research Hypotheses
The following null hypotheses were tested at .05 level of significance that guided the study.
- There is no significant difference of students exposed to Computer Assisted Instructional Media and those exposed to conventional instruction in public secondary schools.
- There is no significant effect of Computer Assisted Instructional Media (CAIM) as a supplementing instructional academic performance of secondary school students in computer science.
- There is no significant influence of gender and their academic performance when exposed to computer assisted instructional media.
Significance of the Study
The present study shall be of benefit to the following; this study would encourage the use of Computer Assisted Instructional Media (CAIM) in all computer work productions. Students who feel that Computer science is meant for the gifted, will at the end of this study realize that with the introduction of CAIM, production of computer works using CAIM, will be simplified. With the use of Computer Assisted Instructional Media, individualization of learning becomes a reality. At the end of this study students should know that with computer assisted instructional media, attention in the classroom will be gained, held and enhance their performance.
At the end of this study, teachers would be courage to adopt CAIM as an appropriate approach for instruction in regular and distance learning. Computer assisted instructional media will be used by teachers in magnifying or reducing objects for classroom use. By means of motion pictures or television, big objects or small objects can be brought into the classroom for closer examination by the art students. It would also foster a teacher’s presentation, save his time and make his lesson more realistic and practical. It at the same time, encourage instructional media designers in designing and production of computer assisted instructional media that will be of benefit to computer science students.
It would provide a basis for educationists to plan and conduct further researches on computer assisted instructional media. Curriculum designers will not be left out in benefiting from computer assisted instructional media in putting computer science students in secondary schools in their curriculum planning activities. Also with the result of this research, the Government will be moved to build CAIM resource centers in our institutions of learning. This would make more computer science graduates to be self-reliant and even employer of others and will also induce the educational administrators and supervisors to promote Computer Assisted Instructional Media (CAIM) by providing computer accessories needed by computer science students.