1.1       Background of the Study

The concept of body image has received global attention and importance because enough evidence has shown that women suffer from body image dissatisfaction in several countries and regions across the globe (Zhang, 2012). Negative body image in particular is now widely recognized as an important public health concern because of its high prevalence worldwide (Swami & Knowles, 2014). Negative body image is a risk factor for numerous unhealthy behaviors which includes fasting, self-induced vomiting, laxative misuse, and excessive exercise (Alleva, Martijn, Van Breukelen, Jansen, & Karos, 2015).

Therefore, body image is defined as a multidimensional self-attitude toward one’s body, particularly its size, shape, and aesthetics (Holt & Lyness, 2017). These perceptions, thoughts, feelings, and behaviors can be positive or negative in nature and affect many aspects of psychosocial wellbeing and quality-of-life (Bailey, Gammage, van Ingen, & Ditor, 2015). Body image is how female individuals mentally “see” their bodies and has both perceptual and attitudinal components (Findler, Taubman-Ben-Ari, & Jacob, 2016) and body image dissatisfaction is acknowledged as a pervasive problem experienced by a large proportion of society (Dohnt & Tiggemann, 2014).

Although, there is growing pressure among adolescence males and females to desire a body shape that conforms to the “ideal”, i.e. a thin shape for women and a lean, muscular shape for men. These perceived ideal body shapes are reinforced by the mass media and popular cultural icons. Internalization of body ideals that are perpetuated by the media can be a strong influence on body dissatisfaction, especially among females (Hawkins, Richards, Granley, & Stein, 2014; Khan, Khalid, Khan, & Jabeen, 2011; Sharp & Tiggemann, 2016). As a result, females may have negative body image and psychological problems (Frederick, Kelly, Latner, Sandhu, & Tsong, 2016; Schleien & BardoneCone, 2016). For better understanding the influence of media on negative body image perception, it is essential to analyze the processes and examine how Instagram use is associated with body image perception and satisfaction among female.

Social media refers to a group of Internet-based applications that is built on the ideological and technological foundations of Web 2.0, and that makes it possible for the creation and exchange of user-generated content (Lee, Lee, Choi, Kim, & Han, 2014). The study of Fardouly, Diedrichs, Vartanian, and Halliwell (2015) showed that participants who spent time on Facebook reported being in a more negative mood than those who spent time on the control website.

In the past years, Instagram has been explored with the development of smartphone technology, allowing Instagram users to post pictures with edited effects, from their supported smartphone to their Instagram account (Sanvenero, 2013). On daily basis, many millions of images are posted online through social media. Some 55 million of them alone are shared daily through Instagram (Thornton, 2018). Instagram users are able to take, process and upload images or short videos via their mobile phones (Olive, 2017). However, visual platforms such as Instagram are becoming increasingly popular, with some industry analysts positing that Instagram is the fastest growing social media platform (Smith & Sanderson, 2015). Images of idealized bodies and how individuals consume them has been extensively studied in terms of traditional media such as magazines, television, advertising, etc. However, little is known about how instagram use, specifically, may influence perceptions of body image and satisfaction among female students.

It is therefore against the background that this study seeks to examine the Instagram on body image perception and satisfaction among female university students.

1.2       Statement of the Problem

In contemporary days, social media has turned out to be one of the important channels for maximizing profit because of its accessibility to consumers and across many users, with the aid of platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. The universal accessibility of the Internet has ushered in the use of Instagram as a marketing tool, and as well offered opportunity to brands, organizations, business owners and individuals to change their perceptions.

The earliest studies tend to be straight-forward analyses, interviews, or simple surveys that seek to identify, document, or describe a phenomenon (Tiggemann, 2014). Media researchers have focused on illustrating the direct effects of media use on negative body image and eating disorders over the past two decades. However, despite the significant role of instagram in digital marketing communication, there is lack of empirical evidence on the influence of Instagram on body image perception and satisfaction among female university students. This is problem this study seek to address by examining the influence of Instagram on body image perception and satisfaction among female university students.

1.3       Objective of the Study

The primary objective of this study is to examine the influence of Instagram on body image perception and satisfaction among female university students. The following specific objectives are to:

  1. examine the effect of Instagram in female students change in body appearance
  2. assess the effect of Instagram use on female students attitude on cosmetic surgery

1.3       Research Question

  1. How does Instagram impact the change in body appearance among female students?
  2. In what ways does the use of Instagram influence the attitudes of female students towards cosmetic surgery?

1.4       Scope of Study

Geographical Scope:

This study is centered on the University of Lagos (Unilag), a prominent higher education institution located in Lagos, Nigeria. The research will specifically focus on the experiences and perspectives of the university's students in relation to the use of Instagram and its potential impacts on body image, attitudes towards cosmetic surgery, attention-seeking behaviors, and overall health and beauty perceptions.

Demographic Focus:

The study will primarily target female students enrolled at the University of Lagos, considering their unique experiences and challenges in the context of Instagram usage. The research aims to capture diverse perspectives within this demographic, acknowledging potential variations based on factors such as age, academic disciplines, and social backgrounds.

Temporal Scope:

The research will be conducted within a defined timeframe, considering the dynamic nature of social media trends and attitudes. The study will focus on current and recent trends in Instagram usage among female students at Unilag, taking into account changes and developments in technology, societal norms, and beauty standards that may influence the outcomes of the research.

Thematic Focus:

The investigation will revolve around four main thematic areas: the impact of Instagram on body appearance, attitudes towards cosmetic surgery, attention-seeking behaviors related to body image, and the overall effects on health and beauty perceptions among female students at the University of Lagos.

1.5       Limitations of the Study

While the study aims for depth and specificity within the context of the University of Lagos, it is essential to acknowledge certain limitations. The findings may not be entirely generalizable to other populations or institutions, and external factors such as cultural influences and technological advancements beyond the study period may affect the relevance of the results. Additionally, the study will not extensively explore the experiences of male students or individuals outside the university community.

1.6       Definition of Terms

Independent Variable:

Instagram Usage

This variable refers to the extent and frequency of female university students' engagement with Instagram. It encompasses activities such as posting images, viewing others' content, and interacting with the platform's features. Instagram usage is considered the independent variable as it is presumed to have an impact on body image perception and satisfaction.


Dependent Variables:

  • Body Image Perception:

This variable represents how female university students perceive their own physical appearance, taking into account factors such as attractiveness, weight, and overall body satisfaction. It is influenced by societal beauty standards, media representations, and, in this study, the use of Instagram.

  • Body Image Satisfaction:

This variable gauges the level of contentment and happiness that female university students experience with their own bodies. It is influenced by the alignment between one's perceived body image and personal satisfaction, and it is expected to be impacted by the nature and extent of Instagram usage.


Moderating Variables:

  • Social Comparison:

This variable refers to the tendency of female university students to compare their own bodies with those of others on Instagram. Social comparison may moderate the relationship between Instagram usage and body image perception and satisfaction, as the platform often exposes users to idealized representations of beauty.

  • Peer Influence:

Peer influence is the extent to which the perceptions and attitudes of female university students are shaped by their peers on Instagram. It may moderate the impact of Instagram on body image perception and satisfaction, as the platform often serves as a space for social interaction and validation.

  • Media Literacy:

This variable measures the level of awareness and critical understanding that female university students possess regarding media portrayals of body image on Instagram. Media literacy may moderate the influence of Instagram on body image by influencing how individuals interpret and respond to the visual content presented on the platform.

1.7       Methodology

The methodology of this study will be quantitative in nature, which involves the use of questionnaire for the source of information. The questionnaire will be administered to female students in the department of mass communication in Redeemer’s University, in order to sample their opinion of how Instagram influence their body image perception and satisfaction.

1.8       Organization of Chapters

This study is organized into five main chapters. Chapter one entails the background, statement of problems, research objectives, research questions and hypotheses, and significance and scope of the study. Chapter two consists of the literature review that reveals the findings and research that already exists on the topic. Chapter three summarizes the scope and methodology used to organize and carry out this study. The discussion of the results after analysis of the findings and comparison to the information revealed within the literature review is conducted within Chapter four. Chapter five provides a summary of the study, its limitations and further recommendations.