1.1 Background to the study
Universities have a fundamental mission to advance learning, teaching, and research. University education is primarily designed to produce intellectuals capable of independent learning and research. For this independent learning and research to thrive, universities heavily rely on the information resources and services provided by their libraries, which serve as the driving force behind educating society (Ifidon, 2007). Additionally, academic libraries, as emphasized by Mohammed (2012), play a crucial role in supporting universities by acquiring all the necessary resources to sustain teaching, learning, research, and service functions. Amstrong (2006) suggests that the primary role of the library is not only to fulfill the institution's mission but also to further its goals and objectives in research by ensuring staff job satisfaction.
Age plays a significant role in effective information dissemination. Nur' Aini (2011) suggests that older librarians often possess the skills to enhance efficient information dissemination to library users compared to their younger counterparts. The author highlights that older librarians bring more experience, education, and resources that serve as incentives for effective information dissemination. In contrast, younger librarians may have fewer resources to enhance information dissemination. Siddique (2011) contends that older librarians and information scientists tend to disseminate necessary information based on their years of experience. This implies that younger librarians may lack the necessary experience and skills to meet the information needs of library users.
Gender, as noted by Prabhavathi (2011), influences staff satisfaction in an organization and allows the unique values of individuals in different contexts to shine through. Gender encompasses a range of differences between males and females, affecting their roles in acquiring, processing, and disseminating information to users. Ikpahindi (2007) emphasizes that gender is one of the factors that influence librarians' characteristics and their ability to facilitate effective information dissemination. The author underscores that it is only through effective and efficient information access and utilization that the library's purpose is fulfilled.
Work experience gained from librarian training enhances the quality of information accessibility and utilization in various formats. According to Tahira & Ameen K (2011), effective and efficient information dissemination by librarians relies on work experience, which improves the standard of living for users, educates and informs them, and empowers them to make sound decisions and be aware of their fundamental rights. Work experience also serves as a historical reference for library users (Uhegbu, 2007). With the proliferation of information in various formats, librarians' work experience is essential to properly manage and deliver these resources to users for effective and efficient information dissemination.
The academic qualifications of librarians influence how they acquire, store, process, retrieve, and disseminate information to users. Librarians with higher academic qualifications have the capability to create, collect, consolidate, and communicate information in various formats for a variety of purposes (Mairaj & El-Hadi, 2012). Academic qualifications enable librarians to provide accurate computerized data collection and strategies for delivering services effectively (Uhegbu, 2007).
In conclusion, every institution develops an organizational structure that aligns with its strategy, and these strategies may vary. However, the ultimate goal is to increase output and staff satisfaction, which are key facilitators. Therefore, institutions aiming for productive output should focus on enhancing librarians' characteristics. Librarians' characteristics are vital in creating individuals and teams capable of efficiently performing their duties to achieve the desired outcomes. This study seeks to examine librarian's characteristics and their impact on effective information dissemination at the University of Abuja main library.
1.2 Statement of the problem
For many years, librarians have held an undisputed role as the primary curators and guardians of information. With the introduction of advanced qualifications in information services delivery, librarians have showcased various excellent methods of service delivery. The dissemination of information services in academic libraries is primarily focused on facilitating teaching, learning, and research. In alignment with the mission and goals of their parent institutions, university libraries invest in training personnel with the necessary attributes to adapt to the rapid changes in information management and dissemination.
However, it is not entirely clear whether the characteristics of librarians have any discernible impact on the way information is disseminated in the University of Abuja main library. Presently, users hold conflicting opinions regarding this matter, which forms the foundation for this study. The researchers are, therefore, keen to investigate the characteristics of librarians in the University of Abuja main library and their role in information dissemination to resolve any doubts about the relationship between librarian characteristics and the dissemination of information in the future.
1.3 Objectives of the study
The main purpose of this study was to examine librarian’s characteristics and effective information dissemination in the university of Abuja main library.
The specific objectives were:
- To determine the influence of age on effective information dissemination in the University of Abuja main library
- To examine the influence of gender on effective information dissemination in the University of Abuja main library
- To assess the influence of work experience on effective information dissemination in the University of Abuja main library
- To determine the influence of academic qualifications on effective information dissemination in the University of Abuja main library
1.4 Research questions
The following research questions were formulated to guide the study:
- 1. What is the influence of age on effective information dissemination
in the university of Abuja main library?
- What is the influence of gender on effective information dissemination in the university of Abuja main library?
- What is the influence of work experience on effective information dissemination in the university of Abuja main library?
- 4. What is the influence of academic qualifications on effective information dissemination in the university of Abuja main library?
1.5 Hypotheses
The following research hypotheses were formulated to guide the study:
1. There is no significant influence of age on effective information dissemination in the university of Abuja main library
2. There is no significant influence of gender on effective information dissemination in the university of Abuja main library
3. There is no significant influence of work experience on effective information dissemination in the university of Abuja main library
4. There is no significant influence of academic qualifications on effective information dissemination in the university of Abuja main library
1.6 Significance of the study
The findings of this study will be of benefit to the following group of persons: Librarians, Users, University Management and Researchers.
Librarians will benefit from this research through enlightenment in the aspect of information dissemination.
Users of the library will benefit from this study in the aspect of accessing and using needed information in the library.
University Management will benefit from this research by knowing the aspect of the provision for librarian to enhance effective and efficient information dissemination.
Researchers will also benefit from this research as the information in this work will help them in the aspect of conducting further research on librarian’s characteristics and information dissemination.
1.7 Scope of Study
The scope of this study is university of Abuja main library. The studies scope ascertains variables of librarian’s characteristics such as age, gender, work experience and academic qualification and effective information dissemination as the dependent variable.
1.7 Definition of terms
The following definitions were defined in the context of the study:
Librarian’s characteristics: These are characters expressed by the librarian that influences performance.
Age: Age in this context is used in the adoption of personal innovations of staff.
Gender: Gender comprises a range of differences between male and female counterparts extending from the biological to the social roles they plays in the acquisition, processing and dissemination of information to the needed users.
Work experience: Work experience from the training offered to the librarian enhances quality information accessibility and utilisation in various formats
Academic qualification: Academic qualification of librarian has affected the way information dissemination is being handled resulting in speed and accuracy at which information is accessed, retrieved, stored, manipulated and disseminated to users in different formats.