1.1 Background to the Study:

Modern educational practices emphasize the importance of providing teachers with updated knowledge about a wide variety of educational media resources and promoting their intelligent use. In the past, teacher effectiveness primarily relied on subject matter knowledge, organizational and presentation skills, and an understanding of the learners. However, the present educational landscape places significant emphasis on the utilization of educational media resources.

Government, as an academic field of study taught in secondary schools, falls within the domain of social sciences. It involves the examination of the state, its structures, the relationships between leaders and the led, and interactions between different states worldwide. Government, as a social science subject, has adopted a scientific approach, utilizing educational technologies such as computers, basic research, and scientific methodologies to achieve systematic and result-oriented studies. It has evolved interdisciplinary perspectives, incorporating elements from mathematics, geography, economics, psychology, sociology, and philosophy.

Despite these advancements, the objectives of teaching government are yet to be fully realized due to challenges such as poor teaching methods and a lack of educational media resources to motivate students. Educational media resources are crucial tools for teaching and learning government, enhancing teacher effectiveness, and improving students' performance.

According to Hodges (2016), educational media encompasses various technologies, including computer programs, films, video-editing programs, word processing equipment, and calculating instruments, used for teaching and enhancing learning outcomes. Media serve as carriers of information between a source and a receiver and include tools like PowerPoint, slides, video tapes, diagrams, printed materials, and computer software, all considered educational media for their instructional purposes.

The purpose of educational media is to facilitate communication and enhance teaching-learning effectiveness. Teachers can utilize visual media, audio media, audio-visual media, and realia to make the teaching-learning process more effective. The application of instructional media at the secondary school level is essential for successful knowledge transfer from teachers to learners.

1.2 Statement of the Problems:

Despite the importance of educational media resources in facilitating effective teaching, there are identified problems in their utilization. Students' failure in examinations is often attributed to improper teaching methods and a lack of essential aids for instructional delivery. Concerns from educationists, parents, and stakeholders point to the root cause of teacher ineffectiveness in teaching Government in Eket Local Government, suggesting a lack and non-utilization of educational media resources as responsible for poor performance.

This study aims to investigate the influence of educational media resources on teacher effectiveness in teaching Government in secondary schools in Eket Local Government Area, Akwa Ibom State. The identified problems include improper teaching methods, a lack of essential aids, and the potential impact on student performance. The research will delve into these issues to provide insights and recommendations for improvement. The study will focus on selected secondary schools in Eket Local Government Area as a case study.

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1.3 Purpose of the Study

The purpose of this study is to find out the influence of educational media resources on teacher effectiveness in teaching Government in Eket Local Government Area.

Specifically, the study intends to achieve the following objectives:

  1. To examine the extent to which utilization of realia influence the teaching of Government in secondary schools in Eket Local Government Area
  2. To find out the extent to which the use of audio educational media influence the teaching of Government in secondary schools in Eket local Government Area.
  3. To determine the extent to which the use of visual educational media influence the teaching of Government in secondary schools in Eket Local Government Area.
  4. To examine the extent which the utilization of audio-visual educational media influence the teaching of Government in Eket Local Government Area.

1.4       Research Questions

  1. To what extent does utilization of realia educational media influence the teaching of Government in Secondary Schools in Eket Local Government Area?
  2. To what extent does utilization of audio-educational media influence the teaching of government in secondary schools in Eket Local Government?
  3. To what extent does utilization of visual educational media influence the teaching of Government in secondary schools in Aback Local Government Area?
  4. To what extent does utilization of audio-visual educational media influence the teaching of Government in Secondary Schools in Eket Local Government Area?

1.5       Research Hypothesis

HO1: There is no significant influence in the utilization of realia, audio, visuals and audio-visual an educational media resources on the teaching of Government in secondary schools in Eket Local Government Area.

1.6     Significance of the Study

The study will be of immense benefit to Government teachers, students, researchers, Government and school administrators.

  1. Teachers: The finding shall guide Government teachers on the need to use suitable and appropriate educational media resources for effective teaching.
  2. Students: The students shall gain immensely and improve academically when they are taught using educational media resources.
  3. Researchers: The study shall be useful to other researchers who will like to carry out research on educational media resources and teachers’ effectiveness in Secondary schools.
  4. Government and school administrators: It serves as a guide to government and school administrators on the appropriate types of educational media resources to procure for effective teaching and learning of Government in secondary schools.

1.7     Delimitation of the Study

This study is limited to the examination of educational media resources and teacher effectiveness in the teaching government in Eket local Government Area only. Another major factor militating against this, study is the financial constraint due to economic recession in Nigeria. Therefore ten (10) out of eleven (11 public and eighteen 18 out of twenty 20 private secondary schools will be sampled.

1.8    Definition of Terms

Educational Media: This refers to all forms of instructional technology tools, the teacher selected and used in teaching-learning process Government. The term ‘government’ refers to a subject taught in senior secondary school, like any other subjects.

Realia: Means real things, objects, such as coins, tools, plants, animals, or collection of artifacts that teachers can bring into the classroom to illustrate the meaning of the teaching materials to be more clearly, meaningful and memorable.

Audio Media: This refers to the various educational means that can make human voice and other sounds into more powerful form of information, communication and education.

Visual Media: This refers to instructional tools the teacher used for learners to see the reality of what is being taught to them.

Audio-Visual Media: This refers to educational media directed at both the senses of hearing, and the senses of sight, used in classroom to enhance instruction by the teacher.