Joblessness and political uncertainty in Nigeria is presently a national anxiety. Youths and graduates from different establishments searching for employment opportunity increase daily. Nigeria ‘s educational practices were focused towards acquiring of ―white collar job after school. These supposed jobs are no more there and have not also taken us anywhere in the growth of our nation. It is vital to know that vocational education can be a route to an end. It can also be an instrument for obtaining employment and continuous growth in Nigeria. Vocational education is fashioned to offer training to enhance individual ‘s general expertise particularly in correlation to their current or future occupation. The coaching will lead to self-sufficiency and continuous development. The current engrossment with university education in Nigeria tones down and minimizes socio-economic chances of those who are more informed towards work than academics. Not everyone needs a university education; if everyone becomes a university graduate, who will employ them? One of the aims of vocational education as stated in the National Policy on Education (2004) is to coach and communicate the needed skills to people who shall be self-relying. If this goal is appropriately attained, it would definitely lead to a continuous technological enhancement. This paper therefore reviews the conceptual explanations of vocational education and continuous development. The paper will also dispense the aims and objectives of vocational education and analyse vocational education and sustainable development in Nigeria. The procedure through which sustainable development might be attained through vocational education form the recommendations of the work.


Nigeria is constantly afflicted with the disrupt development in the educational context which is not unlinked to the sharp turn down in government funding in the sector and the insecurities placed on education in Nigeria. Hence, these has unfavourable effects of decrepitude of education facilities at all levels, teachers’ salaries not paid and in its more noticeable forms are the numerous strikes actions hooked in by the universities educational and non-educational staff due to the worsening living and poor working conditions in the university context. Over and above that, these upset and displeasing circumstances resulting from government poor funding of the educational sector would undoubtedly give birth and harvest growth rate of crime most particularly cybercrime, license and turning down literacy rates in the country. These results consequently disclose low or poor investment in the education context not only having effects on the quality of education when it comes to infrastructure but also on general human capital development at large in Nigeria. Despite that, the issues raised above do not look to be a very huge concern for consecutive governments in Nigeria.


Objective of the study is to analyze the relationship between vocational education and sustainable development in Nigeria. specific objectives include;

To know if there is a relationship between education policy agenda relating to sustainable development in Nigeria.

To know if vocational education has significant relationship with sustainable development in Nigeria.


Does vocational education have significant relationship with sustainable development in Nigerian?


H01: Vocational education has significant relationship with sustainable development in Asaba Nigeria.

Ho2: There is no significant relationship between and vocational skills and sustainable development in Asaba, Nigeria

1.6 Significance of the study

Technology and Vocational Education (TVE) is the education that makes both individual and nation to be self-reliant. Through TVE, resources (human and material) have been redirected for industrial and technological growth and development as well as economic and social empowerment.

This research will go a long way in meeting the society’s needs for workers; (ii) increasing individual career options; (iii) lending intelligibility to general education; and (iv) serving as a motivation force to enhance all types of learning. The study will also serve as a guide to researchers interested in carrying further research on the topic.

1.7 Scope of the study

The study centers on the relationship between vocational education and sustainable development in Nigeria. Respondents used for the study include vocational educational students of Delta state university Abraka. The study will be restricted to vocational education and sustainable development.