Alcohol affiliated habit is interthread in school traditions, social norms, and the academic institution itself. The repercussions of heavy or “binge” drinking pose serious threats not only for drinkers, but also for those in the same environment. Heavy drinking has been linked with physical or sexual assault, criminal violations, and unsafe sexual activities. Heavy alcohol use has also been associated to unpleasant health consequences including vehicle accidents, injuries, and accidental deaths. In study on university students, heavy drinkers have been examined to have lower academic grades, miss class, and to fall behind in assignments, tests frequently.

Alcoholism is a dreadful and frightful mess. Nevertheless, if supervised properly, damage to the brain can be constrained and to a large extent reversed. In addition to issue drinking, the disease is identified by traits including an impaired control over alcohol, compulsive thoughts about alcohol, and distorted thinking. Alcoholism leads to poor academic results through excess consumption, physical dependence on alcohol, and diseases such as cirrhosis of the liver. The risk of developing alcoholism relies on numerous factors, such as environment. Those with a family history of alcoholism are more likely to develop it themselves (Enoch & Goldman, 2001); nevertheless, a good number of individuals have developed alcoholism without a family history of the disease. Since the intake of alcohol is essential to develop alcoholism, the availability of and attitudes towards alcohol in student’s environment affect their academic performance. In a review in 2001, MeLellan et al. related the diagnoses, heritability, etiology (genetic and environmental factors), pathophysiology, and reaction to treatments (adherence and relapse) of drug dependence type 2 diabetes mellitus, hypertension, and asthma. They discovered that genetic heritability, personal choice, and environmental factors are closely connected in the diagnosis and course of all of these disorders, providing evidence that drug through history, alcoholism has been a cause of many issues and tragedies, which has ushered it to be the interesting subject in several research studies such as the ones conducted by Finnel W.S (2000). More precisely, alcohol has been the subject of quite a number of studies being that it is commonly used. Over the years, alcohol use has had negative effect on academic performance. On this premise, the study will look into alcohol consumption and its effect on academic performance of University students: A Study of Taraba state University Jalingo, Nigeria.

1.2 Statement of the problem

Over the years, alcoholism has been a major reason for numerous issues and tragedies, which has led it to be the topic of interest in several research studies. More so, alcohol has been the topic of many studies because of the fact that it is commonly used. For year now, the use of alcohol has had cynical implication on academic performance of University students. The misuse of alcohol use has been experienced in many schools over the years. It is in this context that this study will set and ascertain Alcohol consumption and its effect on academic performance of University students: A Study of Taraba state University Jalingo, Nigeria.

1.3 Research objectives

This study will examine alcohol consumption and its effect on academic performance of University students: A Study of Taraba state University Jalingo, Nigeria. Specific objectives include;

To ascertain the causes of alcoholism in university students.

To ascertain the unfavorable outcomes of peers’ drinking behavior for the academic performance of Taraba state University Jalingo, Nigeria.

To initiate the correlation between academic performance and alcoholism among university students.

1.4 Research Questions

The following are the research questions for the study;

  1. What are the causes of alcoholism in university students?
  2. What are the unfavorable outcomes of peers’ drinking behavior for the academic performance of Taraba state University Jalingo, Nigeria?
  3. What is the correlation between academic performance and alcoholism among university students?

1.5 Research Hypothesis

H01: there is a statistical significant correlation between academic performance and alcoholism among university students.

1.6 Significance of the study

The findings of the study will be of great assistance to school management in instilling scientific way of thinking among students. The study will be of paramount use to students who have poor performance. It will also serve as a guide among other researchers willing to carry further research on the topic. Make recommendation that would stimulate the governments’ effect to find solutions to the problems facing university students’ academic performance.


The research was conducted in Taraba state University Jalingo, Nigeria. The study focused on alcohol consumption and its effect on academic performance of University students. The study will be carried out among public administration Taraba state University Jalingo, Nigeria. questionnaire will be used for data collection.