1.1 Background of the Study

        The construction industry plays a crucial role in shaping societies at different scales, ranging from local communities to the global arena. This sector encompasses a wide range of activities, including real estate development, infrastructure projects, and the construction of industrial facilities, making it the most significant industry in the global economy. It holds great economic importance, contributing approximately 13% to the world's gross domestic product (GDP) as of 2020 (Ribeirinho, 2020).

The roots of this industry can be traced back to ancient times, with its origins in the construction of stone houses and the skilled craftsmanship of carpenters processing raw timber into usable boards. Over time, it has evolved to become one of the oldest industries in the world. Throughout history, the construction sector has demonstrated remarkable advancements, potentially even surpassing other industries (Kristensen, 2011).

Nonetheless, like many other fields, the construction industry has undergone significant transformations over time. A vast array of changes has shaped the modern work environment, with technology emerging as a pivotal driver of change for both companies and individuals.    

Traditionally, Quantity Surveying has primarily revolved around contracts and construction project costs, with quantity surveyors playing a crucial role in controlling expenses through precise measurement of required work. However, these methods encompass a wide range of activities, such as value management, tendering, valuation, change control, claims management, and cost estimation. The quantity surveyor plays a vital role in facilitating the design process by systematically applying cost criteria, thus ensuring a rational and economical balance between cost, quality, utility, and aesthetics. This approach effectively helps achieve the client's requirements within the agreed-upon budget (Maarouf, 2011).

        The role of quantity surveying within the construction industry has a long history, and like most professions, it has had to adapt to changing times. A significant shift occurred in the 1980s with the advent of computers, and the traditional practice of Bill of Quantities faced possible obsolescence (Cartlidge, 2013). Consequently, quantity surveying practices started diversifying their services (Cartlidge, 2013) to open up new opportunities for young professionals. The introduction of technologies provided a chance for quantity surveyors to regain prominence in the industry (Sawhney, 2016).

As the demand for traditional quantity surveying roles declined, the focus shifted towards faster construction methods (Cartlidge, 2013). To remain relevant, the profession needed to evolve and explore emerging opportunities for different roles. Experienced clients, such as BIM managers and project managers with a background in quantity surveying, presented new avenues for quantity surveyors (Sawhney, 2016). This trend could potentially create a distinct market for traditional quantity surveying practices when dealing with less innovative clients, who have fewer time constraints and face higher cost pressures (Keelagher, 2017). This situation may lead to a skills gap, allowing practices to demand higher fees or charge more for providing traditional services.

In our daily lives, technology and engineering have become indispensable, leading us to explore their applications in various fields, especially in construction. Notably, artificial intelligence (AI) has seen significant growth in recent years within construction engineering and management due to its potential to enhance performance and efficiency.

AI involves the replication of human cognitive processes using computer systems and machines. As per Kaplan and Haenlein's (2019) definition, AI refers to a system's ability to comprehend external input accurately, acquire knowledge from it, and utilize that knowledge to achieve specific performance objectives through adaptive adjustments. AI finds application in a wide range of areas, including expert systems, natural language processing, speech recognition, and machine vision.

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a diverse and interdisciplinary field that has been in existence for a considerable time. However, only in recent years have these advancements become feasible and practical for real-world implementation.

 Despite being relatively new, AI applications have already demonstrated remarkable effectiveness across various industries (Cannella, 2018). Currently, scientists and researchers are exploring artificial intelligence from different perspectives, uncovering its immense potential and possibilities (Konnikov et al., 2019).

In recent times, the integration of AI into the realm of quantity surveying has gained significant traction, opening up new possibilities for streamlining processes and optimizing project outcomes. AI implementation can facilitate efficient cost estimation, precise measurement of quantities, effective risk management, and improved decision-making. By harnessing AI, quantity surveyors can focus more on strategic and value-added tasks, rather than being bogged down by repetitive manual activities.

 This study focuses on exploring the role and application of AI in quantity surveying, with a specific case study of Quintal Surveyors, a renowned quantity surveying firm.


1.2 Statement of the Problem

Although AI has been widely adopted in various industries, its specific applications and implications in the field of quantity surveying are still relatively unexplored. As such, there is a need to understand how AI can enhance traditional quantity surveying practices and the potential benefits it offers to firms like Quintal Surveyors. This study aims to address these gaps in knowledge.


1.3 Aim of the Study

The aim of this study is to investigate the role and application of AI in quantity surveying, focusing on the case of Quintal Surveyors.


1.4  Objectives of the Study

        The specific objectives of this research are as follows:

  1. To explore the various applications of AI in quantity and surveying at Quintal Surveyors
  2. To examine the benefits of AI implementation in quantity and surveying at Quintal Surveyors


1.5 Research Questions

  1. What are the specific applications of AI in quantity and surveying at Quintal Surveyors?
  2. What are the benefits and positive outcomes achieved through the implementation of AI in quantity and surveying at Quintal Surveyors?


1.6 Research Hypothesis

H0: The application of AI in quantity and surveying  at Quintal Surveyors has no significant benefit

H1: The application of AI in building construction in quantity and surveying at has significant benefit


1.7 Justification of the Study

This study is justified by the need to explore and understand the potential benefits and challenges associated with the integration of AI in quantity surveying. By focusing on a specific case study of Quintal Surveyors, it aims to provide valuable insights and recommendations for the effective utilization of AI in the field. The findings of this study will contribute to the existing body of knowledge regarding the role of AI in quantity surveying and provide practical implications for industry professionals and researchers.


1.8 Scope of the Study

This study will primarily focus on the roles and applications of AI in quantity and surveying practices at Quintal Surveyors. The geographical scope of this study will be limited to the context of Quintal Surveyors.