1.1       Background to the Study

            Theatre can be defined from different points of understanding. Drama or theatre is as old as Homo sapiens. Its origin can be traced to the period when humans first set foot on the earth. According to Brockett:

Theatre emerged out of myth and ritual. Anthropologists in the 19th and early 20th centuries, point out that during the early stages of the development of drama, a society becomes aware of the forces that appear to influence or control its food supply and well-being, (4).

As a concept, theatre is a form of art in which a series of lifelike events is acted out. In a broader sense, theatre brings reality close, as it includes all the aspects of play production such as acting, directing, scene, costume, sound and lighting designers, the playwright and, the audience. All these elements normally work together to form a production that gives a semblance of reality. Drama is a branch of performing arts concerned with the presentation of plays and musicals. Its scope is worldwide and its influence is profound. The arts of the theatre are concerned almost exclusively with live performance by actors, in which the action is precisely planned to create a coherent and significant sense of drama. Theatre manifests in varied contents and forms as sanctioned by the socio-political and geographical milieu through human activity. According to Ayakoroma,

Theatre is one of the oldest forms of entertainment in the world in which actors perform live for an audience on a stage or in other space designated for the performance. The space set aside for performances, either permanently or temporarily, is also known as a theatre, (121).



In this context, theatre and drama are interchangeably used.  According to Akinwale,

The term theatre is a word derived from Greek word ‘’theatron’’ meaning a place of seeing. The word theatre initially means or describes an architectural structure selected or built to house dramatic offering, though it could also accommodate any type of presentation. Theatre also suggests a certain type of social and aesthetic experience recognizable more by its specific purpose. It differs from education in the sense that it does not by itself suggest, rather is a method, a way of doing something. Therefore theatre has educational relationship and it which have education benefits or objectives, (40).  

One world likes to begin by looking at the meaning of cultural heritage.  To get better understanding of the meaning of cultural heritage, production and preservation, it is better to explain the concept culture. Nwaru states that studies on culture and human nature have shown that at the core of man’s being is culture. Culture is man’s way of being human especially in relation to others. Culture is substantial and should not be seen as an abstract object. It is the way of life of a people, (18). Definitions of culture are as numerous as there are many authentic studies of culture. The Oxford Dictionary of Language Matters defines culture as the ideas, customs, and social behaviour of a particular people or society. According to Bakare ‘culture is the totality of the way of life a people evolve to meet with the exigencies of survival. The knowledge and skills needed for meeting such needs may be contained in an already existing corpus of practices, or they may be framed in response to unfolding exigencies, (34).  The totality of the way of life evolved by a person in their attempt to meet the challenges of their environment gives its order and meaning." Their social, political, economic, aesthetic, and religious norms and modes of organization distinguish a people from their neighbors.

Two phrases are very significant in the above explanation, namely, “way of life” and “distinguishing a people from their neighbours. Culture includes people’s arts and artifacts, crafts, folktales, folksongs and poetry, music, dance, beliefs, ideas, occupation, technology etc, they are handed from generation to generation through socialization and education, and are our cultural heritage. In his contribution on cultural area, Onwuejeogwu defined it as

Culture comprises material, institutional, philosophical and creative aspects. The material aspect has to do with artifacts in its broadest form (namely; tools, clothing, food, medicine, utensils and housing). The institutional deals with the political, economic, social and legal structures erected to help achieve material and spiritual objectives; while the philosophical is concerned with a people’s literature (oral or written) as well as their visual and performing arts which are normally molded by, as well as help to mold other aspects of culture (1).


In the light of the above, it is operational to see culture as the pattern of all the arrangements (both material and behavioural), which have been adopted by a society as the traditional ways of solving the problems of its members. Nwaru sees culture as:

“A deep search for the underlying principles of culture shows that most groups in Nigeria behave alike. All culture is a way of life and the culture of one ethnic group is never superior to that of another. The way certain things are said or done may differ from one culture area to another, but the basic principles involved may be the same,” (19).


According to Okodo, various peoples of the world have time of enjoying life in their culture. Depending on the culture, there are similarities and differences among the shows of the peoples. By and by, a people have their spectacular performances for entertaining themselves. The performances are dramatic because they are planned and rehearsed and performers put on costumes to mimic ideas and characters (12). Chukwukelu remarked that in the history of theatre and culture, shows that theatre has influence. Theatre is more than just a mechanistic reflection of social and cultural reality. As part of man’s artistic activities, it is in itself part of man’s weapon for achieving change and self-realization as he struggles to overcome the forces inimical to his survival (22).

Chukwukelu remarks that theatre can be used for total transformation of the society. Through theatrical performance, the masses are able to determine what they consider to be the uses, abuses and misuses of cultural power in their own environment. Through the ages, drama has proved its potential to arouse the consciousness of a people culture. (23). In Nigeria, as in most other African countries, theater imitates for the purpose of causing not only change in the moods of the people through entertainment, but also a change in their mindsets for the betterment of the socio-political and economic structure of the nation. In a more radical sense, theatre practitioners do not only advocate for social change but also spur the people to preserve their culture.

1.2       Statement of the Problem

The cultural heritage of many African countries especially Nigeria is going into extinction because of western media imperialism. This is why Asigbo notes that Nigeria and indeed, the Igbo nation are passing through very trying times of adoption and adaptability of foreign culture because of new technologies such as social media and internet. Social and cultural commentators as well as religious of various respects are calling on all people to proffer solutions to the seeming chaos that has become the lot of Nigerian in cultural production and preservation to a confounding level.  As usual, most of these suggestions have tended to privilege foreign anti-dotes against local remedies. Asigbo, comments that any invention or solution that lacks a cultural basis is doomed to failure (13).

The way forward should be viewed from theatre solution since the new technologies are helping theatre producers to disseminate cultural contents by reminding the people of their culture from the various cultural productions on the social media platform. It is the performative art that moves culture from one mind to another and from a familiar terrain, to an unfamiliar one. Therefore, the study seeks to examine the cultural implication of theatre towards cultural production and preservation.

1.3       Objective of the Study

The primary objective of the study is theatre and its impact on cultural production and preservation. Specific objectives are;

  1. Examine the impact theatre on cultural production.
  2. Examine the impact of theatre on cultural preservation.

1.4       Rationale for the Study

Many youths are showing modern attitude against the African culture and the same are mindful of foreign theatre contents against the promotion of Africa culture. Therefore, is it important to draw the attention of society especially the younger generation and upcoming generation towards African culture using theatre.

1.5         Significance of the Study

       Primarily, the significance of this study lies in the creation of impact on the concept of tradition and culture for the purpose of understanding how theatre promote and preserve African culture. This work will clarify the fact that the concept of culture and theatre will help to remind present generation the need to invest time and creativity in theatre so that the present generation and the next to come will appreciate cultural heritage of their people. Finally, the study will benefit Delta State University because the completion of the study will contribute to knowledge which can be used as reference material for other researchers within the university.




1.6        Scope of the Study

This study will be based on the impact of theatre to cultural production and preservation in Nigeria. The study will specifically focus on Delta State University Theatre.

1.7      Research Method

The best research will be determined by what the researcher intends to measure. The research shall adopt the use of literary method and content analysis. Ukala says that the literacy method focus on written and printed library and archival sources, especially books, journals, theses, reports, literary works such as plays, novels and poems (8). The reason for the usage of this research method is based on the scope of the study which discussed theatre and its impact on cultural production and preservation.

1.8       Limitations of the Study

It will be observed by the researcher that there are some anticipated challenges outside the control of the researcher. These are the availability of literary resources and time frame to complete the research which comes together with other school activities.

1.9       Definition of Terms

Theatre: Theatre is one of the oldest forms of entertainment in the world in which actors perform live for an audience on a stage or in other space designated for the performance.

Culture: Culture is a way of life of the people which includes people’s arts and artifacts, crafts, folktales, folksongs and poetry, music, dance, beliefs, ideas, occupation, technology etc, they are handed from generation to generation through socialization and education, and are our cultural heritage.

Cultural Production: Cultural Production is the art whereby people are display cultural activities and performed for the audience. These include festivals, marriages, age grade activities e.t.c.

Cultural Preservation: This is the art and science of conservational portion of culture for future generation.