The study examines social media use and the patterns of parent-teen interactions.

Survey method was adopted for this research as it is seen to be very successful and effective for this study because it used detailed questionnaire to find out the attitude and opinions of the respondents. A purposive non-probability sampling technique was used for this study. Questionnaire was used for data collection. This is because it helps in getting relevant data to the social media use and pattern of parent-teen interaction. The copies of the questionnaire were administered by the researcher to the respondents, Babcock High School (Teenagers and Parents). Scientific analysis for the quantitative data was done using Statistical Product and Service Solutions (SPSS) to process the data that was collected from the survey.

The results showed that; teenagers spend 1-2hrs daily on social media; teenagers use the social in interacting with their family and friends; teenagers actually use the social media to interact with their parents; parents spend 5-6hrs on the social media; parents make use of the social media for interaction with friends and families; Parents spend five times a week in interacting with their teenagers.

The study concluded that social media especially whatsaap is most popular and widely used amongst students and parents and there is a pattern of parent-teen interactions. The study further recommended that further research should be carried out in public universities.




1.1  Background of the Study

Social media are an important part of the lives of many people allowing them to connect and communicate with other people online. Many people are also getting to learn and know more about what is going on in the society without having to wait for the traditional media. According to Nche (2012), “without doubt, social media currently seem to take the centre stage in the field of information and communication technology (ICT)” (p.18).The recent development in information technology provides unlimited chances of increasing the quantity and enhancing the quality, speed and availability of information in an ever-rising world.

In the same vein, Adaja and Ayodele(2013) observed that “one of the breakthroughs in information and communication technology in the 21st century was the discovery and emergence of the new media which have facilitated the creation of the different platforms for social interaction”(p.65).The transformation in information technology and communication generation, processing, storage and circulation witnessed in the 21st century unprecedentedly opened-up new media platforms unmatched in history in terms of interconnectedness, interactivity, multiplicity and accessibility (McQuail,2005)One of the recent impactful Information Technology phenomenon is the emergence and spread of an aspect of Information Technology referred to as social media (Kane, Alavi, Labianca&Borgatti, 2014).

Social media have been defined in various ways. The definition as a “platform to create profiles, make explicit and transverse relationships” by Boyd and Ellison(2008) has been cited over 13,000 times according to Google Scholar. Some definitions have identified social media by the set of functionalities or “building blocks” According to Kaplan and Haenlein, (2010),“Social Media is a group of Internet based applications that build on the ideological foundations of Web 2.0, and that allow the creation and exchange of User Generated Content” (p.61).

The use of social media networking sites as another platform on the Internet has gained popularity over the last decade and has brought about millions of users all over the world. Due to this fact, many people are changing the outlets where they search for news, information, business and entertainment. These social media sites let those who use them create personal profiles, while connecting with other users of the sites. Users can upload photographs and post what they are doing at any given time. Social media are technologies that enable social interaction, make possible collaboration, and enable deliberation by users across boundaries. These technologies include: blogs, wikis, media (audio, photo, video, text) sharing tools, networking platforms (including Facebook, twitter, Instagram, Whatsapp.

Social media is a platform that has numerous pros and cons which includes but not limited to cyber bullying, body shaming of teenagers. Social media increased what used to be the face-to-face communication among individuals to technology communication between parents and teenagers in virtually every home who possess the gadgets and access to the internet.

Social media are online platforms which people use to build social networks or social relations with other people who share similar personal or career interests, activities, backgrounds or real-life connections via the internet.  The impact of social networks on young people is momentous. It is becoming evident that social networks have become part of people’s lives. Many adolescent nowadays use their laptops, tablet computers and smart phones to check Tweets and status updates from their friends and family.

Parents’ use of the digital media, especially social media, often sets the tone for use within the home. Today’s parents are online and heavy social media users. According to Scholars, parents use Facebook much more than all other social media platforms followed by Whatsapp, LinkedIn, Skype. However, the use by parents is largely informative. They make use of apps and social media to stay connected and up to date.

The teenage years are often portrayed as stressful for both the parent and teens. Research demonstrates that teens undergo a number of developmental adjustments including biological, cognitive, emotional and social changes on their way to becoming adults. Parenting effectively during the teen years, as in any developmental period requires a thorough understanding of these normative developmental changes. Understanding how technology and social media use impacts teens’ learning, growth, and social development process is critical for their health and wellbeing and the welfare of the family.

Teens are early adopters and heavy users of technology, especially in developed countries where access has grown rapidly in recent years. Teens are chatting, instant messaging, Face booking, You Tubing, gaming and tweeting. Media have a huge influence on teenagers, be it through television, computers, video games, social networking sites.It impacts all aspects of a teen’s life. Everything is not bad with the media. If used in the right way, media can transform lives of the teenagers from good to better.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

Development in technology has brought about a shift in human communication and reshaped all human activities. Prior to the advent of technology information was passed across through the use of town criers, to the community members. Due to the growth in population, the need for invention which can enhance communication arose. Technology which has made communication a whole lot easier and faster has also evolved such as social media. In recent year, social media have become a major means through which people interact and communicate. Millions of people are on various social networking sites such as Whatsapp, Instagram, Facebook and Twitter . People prefer using the social media to express themselves better.  Due to this, the frequency and quality of interpersonal communication among family members seem to be on a decline. People prefer using the social media to express themselves better. In other words, face-to-face communication has been altered with the use of social media. Communication on social media has become a habit among families which has made face to face interaction between parents and teens lose touch of each other, parents can be home with their children without close interaction. With the above stated, it is important to understand the effect of social media on the communication among parents and their children. Therefore, this study seeks to find out the social media use and the pattern of Parent and Teenagers Interaction.

1.3 Objectives of the Study

The main purpose of this research work is to find out Social Media use and the patterns of Parent-Teen interactions. The specific objectives were to:

  1. To determine the social media use pattern of teenagers in Babcock High School.
  2. To determine the social media use pattern of parents of teenagers in Babcock High School.
  3. To determine the preferred social media among teenagers in interacting with their parent.
  4. To determine the preferred social media among parents in interacting with their teenager.
  5. To establish the parenting style dominantly adopted by parents of teenagers in Babcock High School.
  6. To find out teenagers’ perception of the parenting style adopted by their parents.
  7. To ascertain the level of teen interaction with their parents through the social media.
  8. To ascertain the level of parent interaction with their teen through the social media.


1.4 Research Questions

1. What is the usage pattern of social media among teenagers in Babcock High School?

2. What is the usage pattern of social media among parents of Babcock High School?

3. What is the preferred social media among teenagers in interacting with their parent?

4. What is the preferred social media among parents in interacting with their teenager?

5. What is the parenting style dominantly adopted by parents of teenagers in Babcock High School?

6. What is the teenagers’ perception on the parenting style adopted by their parent?

7. What is the level of teen interaction with their parent of Babcock High School?

8. What is the level of parent interaction with their teen in Babcock High School?

1.5 Research Hypotheses

H1: There is a significant relationship between parenting style and the pattern of parent interaction with their teenagers.

H2: There is a significant relationship between the perception of parenting style and teenagers interaction with their parent through social media.


1.6 Significance of the study

The finding of this study is useful to the students and parents’ of Babcock High School. The focus of this research work is to examine the patterns in which parent and teenagers interact through the use of Social Media. It would help in examining parents’ perception of the Social Media and its effect on their children. It would help in examining teens’ perception of the Social Media and its effect on interactions with their parents. How social media has affected parent-teen interactions. Also, when it has to do with social media, this study is an opportunity for the society and other researchers who will benefit from this work to carry out studies in the area of Parent-teen interactions because it will provide future researchers basic information needed.

1.7 Scope of the study

This study focuses on the social media use and pattern of parent-teen interaction among Parent and Teenagers of Babcock High School.The participants of the study are Parents and Teenagers of Babcock High School. The respondents of this study are teens between the age of 13-16 and parents who have teens in the school.

1.8 Operational Definition of Terms.

SOCIAL MEDIA: these are the means through which parent and teenagers communicate e,gWhatsapp, Facebook etc.

TEENAGERS:This is a person who falls within the age of 13-19 years old.This study will consider secondary school students who fall within the age of 13-16 in Adetola Comprehensive College.

PARENT: In this study, this is the actual biological father or mother or guardian as long as they are responsible for the child in the school.

INTERACTION: In this study, this is the way parent and teenagers communicate e.g. through sending of pictures, videos, chatting.