The advent of electronic commerce brought into existence a new commercially inexpensive and direct way to sell or buy products and services and exchange information. It has also led to the development of a compatible payment system. One aspect of electronic banking that has proven successful is electronic banking. According to a definition given by (Charity-Commission, 2003) Electronic banking entails the application of computer and telephone to carryout banking services. The system involves the use of information and communication technology to offer services and manage customer relationship satisfactorily and efficiently. The system provides an electronic connection between the bank and the customer to execute , manage and control financial transactions Burr (1996).Also Al-Abed (2003)stated that Electronic banking is the process by which a customer carry out banking transactions electronically without visiting the banking hall. While Lustsik (2004) posit that electronic banking as the platforms for Internet banking, telephone banking, TV-based banking, mobile phone banking, and PC banking.
Electronic banking makes for quick service, enhances productivity and profit,breaks down barriers for local and international transfer
Fast service , and better value for money. The study seek to proffer an appraisal of customer satisfaction and E-banking. A comparative analysis of GTB and Zenith bank.
The benefit which the platform provides is however beset with some challenges
Technical failure constitute one of the challenges faced in the use of electronic banking as sometimes there are slow network or no network at all to carry out urgent financial transactions which would have translated into huge business profit. There have also been cases of machine failure and lack of understanding of the services provided by some the electronic platform. The problem confronting the study is to appraise the customer satisfaction and E-banking. A comparative analysis of GTB and Zenith bank.
1.3 OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY The Main Objective of the study is to investigate customer satisfaction and E-banking. A comparative analysis of GTB and Zenith bank. The specific objectives include 1 To determine the nature and relevance of E-banking. 2 To determine the level of customer satisfaction in E- banking. 3 To determine the effect of customer satisfaction and E-banking. A comparative analysis of GTB and Zenith bank. 1.4 RESEARCH QUESTIONS 1 What is the nature and relevance of E-banking? 2 What is the level of customer satisfaction in E- banking? 3 What is the effect E-banking on customer satisfaction? A comparative analysis of GTB and Zenith bank?
1.5 STATEMENT OF THE HYPOTHESIS The statement of the hypothesis for the study is stated in Null as follows HO The effect of E-banking on Customer satisfaction in GTB Nis low. HO The effect of E-banking on Customer satisfaction in Zenith Bank is low.
1.6 SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY The study seeks to engender the adherence to E- Banking services as a means to engender productivity in the sector. 1.7 SCOPE OF THE STUDY The study focuses on the appraisal of customer satisfaction and E-banking. A comparative analysis of GTB and Zenith bank.
1.8 LIMITATION OF THE STUIDY The study was confronted with logistics and geographical factors
1.9 DEFINITION OF TERMS BANK DEFINED A financial institution which was is established for the purpose of accepting deposits and other precious commodities from the public for safe keeping.
E-BANKING DEFINED Electronic banking entails the application of computer and telephone to carryout banking services. The system involves the use of information and communication technology to offer services and manage customer relationship satisfactorily and efficiently.
PORTFOLIO DEFIINED This is a collection of investible funds.
PRUDENTIAL GUIDELINES: The prudential guidelines stipulate the guidelines for asset classification and disclosure, provision for interest accruals and off balance sheet engagement. The essence is to identify problems early and proffer corrective measures before it gets out of hand.
BAD DEBTS: There are debts which is not recoverable within the time frame set for their normal recovery period.-DOUBTFUL
DEBT: There are doubtful in case of recovery, hence they are termed doubtful debt.-
EFFICIENT PORTFOLIO: A group of asset that yield a maximum return for a given level of risk.-
RISKS: An index of the variability of realized from expected returns.
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