Water is one of the most abundantly available substances in nature and also called elixir of life. It plays an important role in the wealth of a nation, particularly like Nigeria, which is predominantly an agricultural economy. The importance of water for the existence of life need not be over emphasized. Water is a simple chemical compound composed of two atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen which bond covalently to form one molecule. It is known as the most complex of all the familiar substances that are single chemical compounds. Water resources of the earth are part of a finite close system and the water reservoirs from time immemorial had an aesthetic appeal, and helped in aquaculture. Water quality parameters are the chemical, physical and biological properties of water, suitable for intended use as it is applicable in aquaculture. Efficient feed conversion, growth and marketability of the final product cannot occur unless the pond system is balanced or in harmony with nature. Therefore the overriding concern of the fish culturist is to maintain, ‘balance’ or ‘equilibrium conditions’ with respect to water chemistry and its natural consequence. The water samples were analyzed for various parameters in the General purpose laboratory, department of fisheries and aquaculture university of agriculture Makurdi, Various water quality parameters like Temperature, pH, Turbidity, Total Suspended Solids (TSS),  Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD), Dissolved Oxygen (DO),  and electrical conductivity were  monitored for the pond and river  water of different locations using approved water sampling method. The findings of this work shows that, low DO and pH.High BOD in the river and high temperature, TDS, EC and carbondioxide in the pond were determined.