1.1  Background To The Study

NTI constitute as one of the open distance learning center in Nigeria which employ the ODL method of learning. ODL system of learning adopts a learning method where the learner and the teacher are spacely separated in time and space (Keegan 1996). This learning method involves the use of study materials which are made available to the students. The study materials incorporates the instructor, instructional strategy and methods which serve as a self-help study guide.ODL Constitute a system of learning which aims to eliminate the barriers and constraint that may stand as obstacle to accessing and succeeding in the attainment of quality, lifelong education. ODL is view as a potent strategy for combating the educational challenges facing Nigeria. Moore and Tait (2002) advocate for ODL as a means for attaining   initial and continuing education for growth ,competitiveness, and  social impact. Such as improving standards of health, rural environment, influencing birth rate, and increasing the independence of women. The National Teachers’ Institute, Kaduna was established by the Federal Government of Nigeria in 1976 to train and develop qualified teachers required to fulfill the objective of the then Universal Primary Education (UPE).  Act No. 7 of 1978, which established NTI  vested NTI the responsibility of developing   courses of instruction  based on  relevant syllabus to facilitate  the  up-grading, development and certification of teachers using distance education techniques. Consequently NTI became the first ODL institution formally established in Nigeria. NTI method of learning was based on the use of print media and further disseminates instruction with the aid of an FM radio station donated by the Commonwealth of Learning.   ODL has the potential of realizing the educational goals of social and economic development but this is however viewed doubtfully.  ODL serve as a complementary approach of meeting the new and changing demands for education and training as a more appropriate substitute – for face-to-face classroom educational systems. Despite the fact that ODL has gained popularity, many uninformed population views it with question as to its effectiveness in delivering knowledge and social impact. (Dede 1996; Harrison 2001 as cited in Peat and Helland, 2002). However the empirical learning outcome

Indicates no difference for traditional learning methods and ODL (Verduin and Clark 1991). The research therefore seek to investigate the Student and management perception of instructional quality among national teachers institute (NTI) centers in cross river state



1.2  Statement of the Problem

Education is significant in the attainment of the role of social and economic development. ODL has the potential of realizing the educational goals of social and economic development but this is however viewed doubtfully.  ODL serve as a complementary approach of meeting the new and changing demands for education and training as a more appropriate substitute – for face-to-face classroom educational systems. Despite the fact that ODL has gained popularity, many uninformed population views it with question as to its effectiveness in delivering knowledge and social impact. (Dede 1996; Harrison 2001 as cited in Peat and Helland, 2002). It is also viewed that the cost of education through ODL is exorbitant and accessed only by the working class. However the empirical learning outcome indicates no difference for traditional learning methods and ODL (Verduin and Clark 1991).Therefore the problem confronting the research is to appraise Student and management perception of instructional quality among national teachers institute (NTI) centers in cross river state.






2         There is a perception that most all distant learners are members of the working class, but this is not entirely true as shown by the statistics of registered students in NOUN in Table 2.


1.3 Objectives of the Study

To determine student and management perception of instructional quality among national teachers institute (NTI) centers in cross river state


1.4 Research Questions


What is student and management perception of instructional quality among national teachers institute (NTI) center


What is student and management perception of instructional quality among national teachers institute (NTI) centers in cross river state


1.5 Significance of the Study

The study shall provide a comprehensive appraisal of the program of the open and distance learning  of the National Teachers institute with a view to determining the student and management perception of instructional quality in NTI centers.

1.6 Research Hypothesis

Ho student and management perception of instructional quality among national teachers institute (NTI) centers in cross river state is negative


Hi student and management perception of instructional quality among national teachers institute (NTI) centers in cross river state is positive.



1.7 Scope of the Study

The study focuses on the appraisal of student and management perception of instructional quality among national teachers institute (NTI) centers in cross river state


1.8 Limitations of the Study

The research was confronted by some Constraints including logistics  and geographical factor.

1.9 Definition of Terms



ODL system of learning adopts a learning method where the learner and the teacher are spacely separated in time and space (Keegan 1996). This learning method involves the use of study materials which are made available to the students. The study materials incorporate the instructor, instructional strategy and methods which serve as a self-help study guide.