This study aims to on evaluating the administration of Umaru Yar’Adua one of our past/late Nigerian president on foreign policy; it analyzes his foreign policy objectives. There have been discordant tunes about the ability of President Umaru Yar’Adua with respect to his leadership and how he carried out his foreign policy objectives. Methodologically, the research adopts qualitative descriptive method of data collection and analysis. A medley of the leadership and power theories is skillfully utilized in the quest to achieve a strong analytical framework for the study. We argue that the implementation of Yar Adua's foreign policy thrust was adversely affected by his terminal illness and subsequent sudden demise. Generally, Yar Adua's practical incapacitation in office limited certain inherent potentialities and optimistic promises of the proclaimed citizenship diplomacy. More directly, there were important instances where the leadership faltered or petered out entirely from matching foreign policy with radical moves, both by lobbying and severance. We conclude that whichever foreign policy that is to be adopted should firstly be evaluated in view of the commensurable and disposable diplomatic wherewithal, if tangible success is to be achieved. More importantly, foreign policy ought to be consistent and comprehensive over period. The Nigerian President was seen as passive, in the sense that he did not take active part in the running of the country’s foreign affairs and this had anegative effect in international comity of Nations with regards to Nigeria.