Lending is an important activity of a Bank Loans advances have long been accepted as the most important asset of the bank.
Unfortunately, as loans/advances constitute the most profitable asset of the bank, it is also the silkiest. Thus, when the asset in not properly managed, the bank may occur losses, which may lead ultimately, lead to us distress. Therefore, this study has evaluated the lending policies of commercial banks in Nigeria.
Almighty lending plugs a very important role in the economic development of a country, it is not without its problems especially if not properly managed. The incidence of poor credit analysis coupled with corrupt practices of some lending official has put many commercial banks in huge bad debt.
The Nigeria Commercial banks therefore, need to carefully and periodically review their lending policies, employ well trained staff and motivated credit staff and enhance the effectiveness of their practices of the value of leans as the highest including asset is to be fully realized while the danger of being the most risky asset is to be minimized. This is Central to addressing the problem of bank distress in the Country.