2-Ethylhexanol (2-EH) is a clear, colourless liquid with a characteristic odour, which has
been described as sweet and floral (Genium, 1999; WHO, 1993) and as intense and
unpleasant (HSDB, 2004; Verschueren, 2001). This compound occurs naturally in food
(e.g., corn, olive oil, tobacco, tea, rice, apricots, plums, apples, nectarines, tamarind grapes,
and blueberries) and is also used as a flavor additive in foods (WHO, 1993). In the
atmosphere, 2-ethylhexanol occurs as a vapor. This compound is combustible and will
react violently with oxidizing materials and strong acids. 2-Ethylhexanol is soluble in
organic solvents but only moderately soluble in water.
The chemical formula, structure, registry numbers, synonyms and trade names for 2-ethyl
hexanol are provided in Table 1 (NIST, 2003).