Fluid flow in a petroleum reservoir is a very complex phenomena and it is impossible to develop
analytical solutions for practical issues due to the complex behaviour of multiphase flow.
Reservoir simulation study the behaviour of fluid flow and provides numerical solutions to
hydrodynamic problems of fluids in the petroleum reservoir-well systems with the help of a
simulator. Reservoir simulation is used to predict the future performance of the reservoir so that
intelligent decision can be made to optimize the economic recovery of hydrocarbons from the
reservoir. In this study MBal software was the simulator tool used. The study shows the
application of MBal in predicting the future performance of the well. A work flow was applied for
this study and Data was gotten from RZD field and inputted to MBal, where result was gotten.
MBal software calculation estimated STOIP as 149.184MMSTB, predict volume of the water influx
as 47268.8MMft3, also show the effect of aquifer on the pressure of the reservoir and show that
water drive is the predominant drive mechanism responsible for production. Also history matching
and prediction run was done and it was predicted that the reservoir was to have a life span of 33
years with a recovery factor of 81.7%. This project show the importance of MBal in prediction of
future performance.