For some time now, many developing third world countries especially Nigeria has been suffering a wide variety of problems raging from economic political, social, cultural, religious and a host of other problem to mention but a few. Nigerian government in attempt to solve these problems, have been investing some of the public at her disposal in industries to enhance quick economic growth of the country.
As a result of the current economic recession, many industries have liquidated and gone out of production while some others are yet making it. This research is aimed at finding out the problem of these industries that have survived and the steps being taken by the public fund manager to remain in the market.
Life Breweries Ltd. Onitsha viz-a-viz other industries in the public sector was discovered to be having problems like other of finance, raw material, spare parts, foreign exchange and also mismanagement of available funds by the financial managers of the company have been taking lots of steps to see to their existence in the productive sector applying their financial management skills effectively and efficiently.