Within the frame work of this project topic “Accounting system in community banking” the researcher has attempted to explain the importance of Accounting system as ways of helping management to improve operations in the community banking sector.
However, recent researcher have shown that one of the main causes of indigenous business failure in this country is due to the failure to maintain proper Accounting records. There fore, at the end of this project research work, an attempt was made to give solutions to this problem so as to increase the status of our community banks.
In achieving the objectives of this study, various investigation instruments such as questionnaire personal interview and chi-square statistical test were implemented in the collection of data for the study and the result from them were used for the summary of findings.
In furthermore of the research objectives, recommendation were made which when implemented, the researcher hopes that it will be of great help to the regulatory authorities. The recommendations were based on research findings and should not be noted to be exhaustive.
In conclusion, the researcher believes that the pre-determined objective of the study has been achieved.