The need for an authentic and reliable report relating to the repairs and rehabilitation of a faulty air-conditioner is inevitable.
Many homes and offices uses the air-conditioner to cool he temperature in their respective homes.  So the maintenance of the air-conditioner should be a top priority of every individual in order to avoid huge expenditure in the repairs of the system.  It’s for this reason that this report is written for the benefit of those whom are privileged to own an air-conditioner in their respective homes.
This report is based on ordinary and advanced level research, in order to aid easy reading and understanding for an average person.  This report begins with an introduction into the relevance of an air – conditioner, the history, description of the important components of the air – conditioner, the general maintenance and regular maintenance an serving, one is expected to carryout for effective performance of the air-conditioner and the faults discovered together with the repairs carried out.
Subsequently, advanced information pertaining to the repairs and calculations involving a faulty air conditioner have been giving certain sections of this report, which will be beneficial to those interested in the repairs of the faulty air conditioner.